“Hi. I’m Gerry.”
“Yeah. I know,” Courtney said. “You come highly recommended.”
“Always nice to hear,” Gerry answered as she brushed out Courtney’s curly hair. Curly hair can often be problematic, especially when it’s frizzy. Even though Courtney’s curls were somewhat loose, she still had a love-hate relationship with them. There were plenty of times where she would struggle to get them to behave. That was why she always kept her hair long. She could let it air dry and it would still look okay.
Her hair had been longer last year, nearly down to her waist. Ever since she chopped it up to her shoulders she hadn’t cut it… And it showed. The bank was shapeless and occasionally stringy with the hair all sorts of lengths. It didn’t make Courtney less attractive – it would have been tough to do that – but her hair was not her best feature.
Courtney handed Gerry what she thought was a photo. It wasn’t a photo really, but a GIF downloaded from the Internet and output on a color printer.
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“This is what you want?”
“It’s a big change. Are you sure?”
“No… I mean, yeah. Yes, I am.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to talk yourself into something.”
“Yeah. Maybe I am.”
“Are you sure about this?”
Courtney looked in the mirror then up at the ceiling. “As sure as I’ll ever be.”
“Okay, stand up.”
Gerry picked up the back of Courtney’s hair and attached a cape.
“Aren’t we going to wash my hair?”
“I like to cut curly hair dry. Gives it a truer feel.”
Gerry clipped all the hair in front of the ears forward on each side and brushed the rest of Courtney’s locks back. Leaving Courtney for a second, Gerry returned with clippers. Courtney knew there was no turning back. The sound that resonated still made her jumpy, however.
As Gerry inserted the razor an inch below Courtney’s chin, Courtney could not see her hair. There was plenty of cutting going on, however. The clippers cut through Courtney’s hair with ease. Nearly a foot of hair gently fell onto her shoulders in large clumps. At first, it was only the hair on the left side, then over to the right side. In less than a minute, the hair fell.
Gerry, working in silence as she liked to, brushed the hair off Courtney’s shoulders as if it were wood shavings from a lathe. Courtney knew something had happened, but she still didn’t know what.
That ended very quickly as Gerry matched the sides to her guideline in back. Effortlessly, she cut a foot off each side, leaving a rough bob an inch below the chin.
Courtney gasped.
Gerry didn’t seem to notice. Instead, she inserted her large comb at the base of the occipital bone. Lifting the hair, she razored all the hair sticking out. Several inches of curls were discarded, leaving about an inch of hair. There was a notable contrast between the length above the occipital bone and the hair below it.
Gerry brushed the hair carefully over the ear, before inserting her comb directly above it. Making sure she matched her guideline in the back, she clipped off all the hair on the side from an inch behind the ear to right in front of it. Taking the clump furthest forward, Gerry razored a sideburn.
Had she looked as she razored the hair on the other side, Gerry would have seen Courtney turn pale. It was better that she didn’t.
Returning to the back, Gerry buzzed out the length, reducing the inch below the top of the ears at a quarter of that. She took it closer at the bottom, leaving a clear hairline. The contrast with the longer hair above was extreme now.
Gerry finished the cut and Courtney was stunned. The top of her hair was full with loose curls, her ears now exposed, and the back buzzed closely. “Wow!”
“You like it?”
“I’m not sure. It wasn’t something I really wanted to do, but my boyfriend kept insisting. He hates my hair long. Said this haircut was me.”
Gerry picked up the paper with the GIF and handed it to Courtney. “That sucks. Who did you say recommended you?”
“He did. You know him. Nick.”
This time it was Gerry who gasped. “Nick is your boyfriend?”
“Yeah. Didn’t I mention that?”
“I really think this cut looks good on you, but…”
“I don’t know how to tell you this, but that haircut isn’t you. Nick had me cut his last girlfriend in the same short cut a year ago Christmas. You’re another Dani.”
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