Time Well Spent – BuxMeTendr
Their time apart had been lengthy; far too lengthy. His dark locks now swaggered in a curly ponytail down his back. Her blond locks were shaggy from having grown out from the buzz she sported during the summer. She had a soft mass of 2-3″ at the nape, still somewhat cut out around the ears to remind herself… and him… of the joy of feeling those clippers zip off the hair. Her bangs were now long, past the brow length and the top was kept in a razor textured/layered 3.5-4″ length. Yes, their time apart had been far too long.
Now, it’s spring. Time for the shearing. They stood only inches apart now, running fingers through each other’s hair, feeling it tug at the scalp. Looking at the variance of appearance when pulling it taut away from the face and neck. Imagining how they would look when shearing time was over. How very bald they would both be!
His kiss was long, hungry and tender. Hers was receptive, giving and eager. Their bodies responded to touch and mind. Slowly they undressed in front of the big mirror that had been installed in their special room. In front of it, in place of a dainty vanity, was an old-fashioned barber’s chair, a striped cape hanging over the back. It was complete with a long leather razor strap and steel foot pedals. There, on the counter, also by special design, was an array of brushes, combs, razors, lather machine, towels, and a new pair of Osters. They stood in an odd but respectful silence as each took a last look in the mirror and stared at the tools that would transform them.
The silence was broken by the snap of a pin-striped cape. She moved silently and obediently to the leather chair. A stroke of her fingers through the shaggy locks brought a shiver of surrender to her shoulders.
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He snuggly fastened the cape around her neck, pausing to kiss her just under the hairline at the nape. He took a few moments to watch her in the mirror as she settled back, nibbled at her bottom lip and took a deeeeep breath.
A simple nod of affirmation.
The SNAP of the #1 guard.
Then the CLICK of the switch.
At last the WHIRL of the blades!
The BUzzzzzzzzzzzzzsssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz as clippers meet hair at the forehead hairline!
Her hands gripped the chair, her nipples stood at immediate attention, her legs spread automatically. The moan from her lips was more than adequate to cause his jeans to tighten beyond expectation. They took a moment to look in the mirror at the shorn path; stark scalp down the middle of her head. No turning back. This was only the beginning. The shearing continued.
Pass after pass; moan and groans from them both as the hair slipped away from scalp, slithered down her shoulders and plopped onto the cape, filling her lap. The pile grew as tuft after tuft was taken from her. Those glorious locks… gone!
Soon she was sporting a boyish burr… reminiscent of those her brothers had while growing up. She was stunned… and stunning!
The sound brought her back to the reality of the moment: SNAP… off came the guard. He flashed her a triumphant smile. She bit her bottom lip, then bowed her head, chin to chest.
Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppppppppp up, up, up the nape to the crown, over the top… dumping the short bristles into the pile of longer strands. Skin; he ran his tongue over the path… a hot tear rolled down her cheek as she felt the truth of the moment and yet at same time she released her load…. the groan was music to his ears! Pass after pass revealed the stark whiteness of her skin. Pale, dramatic… bald! The silky locks were his trophy of triumph! Her body responded as he had so often envisioned… intense, trembling, yielding, passionate. Bald, she sat there staring at her reflection trying to convince herself it was really her! Bald; totally shaved to the skin. So exposed! His hands rubbed her head; enjoying the feel.
Next: the Lather! Soon she would be buffed to a shiny bald… then it would be his turn in the chair!
The end
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