This story not to be reproduced in any fashion without written consent from the author. (c) 5-12-00 by BuzMeTendr
Pillow of Love – BuzMeTendr
Their time together was nearly sacred; they shared such few but oh so precious moments. This time would prove to be a memory making event; perhaps even a tradition of sorts.
The night was young; the air thick with a taste of impending summer. The clouds were thick save for a few flecks of stars daring to peek through. Peter had waited for months to see Lynn; he was anxious, yet wanting the night to last he seemed to move slower than usual to savor it. It wouldn’t be long now before she would arrive.
Lynn was daydreaming of the chats they had via email and phone; recalling their moments of passion that seemed as real as if Peter were in her arms and caressing her. Soon he would be. She smiled at the thought; her mind wandering again and planning his special surprise. As the plane moved quickly towards the runway, she folded her needlepoint and tucked it neatly into her carry-on bag. “Soon, my love…,” she whispered, willing him to hear it.
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Peter made ready with last-minute touches to make her welcome warm and memorable. He had carefully placed soft-scented candles throughout the house; several in the bathroom and bedroom. He had fixed a tray of fresh fruit, whipped cream, cheese squares and wine and placed it on the bedside table. The satin sheets were sprinkled with a touch of his cologne; he knew Lynn loved the smell of him. The plump down comforter had been already rolled to the foot of the bed and the top sheet turned down. “What if she thinks all I want is sex? Maybe I’ve gone overboard. No, no… she is as passionate as I; she will know what it means.” Satisfied with the bedroom he moved to the living room and stacked several CDs with soft music. He would wait until about 15 minutes prior to her expected arrival to light the candles throughout the house.
Lynn made her way through the airport ritual, careful to obtain all her bags; for each was a necessity. Hailing her cab she prepared for the last 30 minutes before she would be able to finally hold Peter, kiss him and begin this weekend.
Neither had said so, but both knew this was the anniversary of their first meeting and both were endeavoring to make it a cherished time. Both would be quite overcome with satisfaction when it was finished.
Peter glanced at the clock; began lighting the candles. He had offered to pick Lynn up at the airport, but she insisted on taking the cab. “Then I will take care of the evening plans,” Peter assured her; and he did. With the candles lit, Peter splashed on a fresh dab of his cologne, gazed at an earlier email he had read from Lynn; one that described the most awesome buzzcut, head shave and buffing; it gave him chills even now to re-read it. Placing the email back in his desk, he slipped out of his trousers and put on a pair of black satin boxers with tiny red hearts spattered across them. Peeling off his shirt leaving nothing but a solitary gold chain around his neck. “Countdown,” he mused. Playing out the scenario a million times in his mind of the moment she would come through the door. Their kiss, the embrace.
Lynn could hear a faint sound of music as she broached the two small steps to Peter’s porch. She tapped on the door with her foot, bags in hand. Peter opened the door. The bags dropped. They were in each other’s arms and locked in a passionate kiss before she could step across the threshold. In fact, Peter lifted her from her feet, swung her around and gently planted her inside the room. “My bags,” she managed to mumble as his mouth nearly devoured her full red lips. Pausing only long enough to turn and grab the bags and set them inside the door, Peter again held her tight, whispering how much he loved her and was so happy to see her. He began to undress her right there. Then suddenly, as if shocked to reality; he stopped. Holding out at arm’s length; he looked her over, smiled then commented: “You are a sight for sore eyes my darling… you have done something different with your hair!”
“For now,” she replied coyly. Lynn had re-highlighted it, making it a tad blonder. She had also failed to cut it for the months she had been away from Peter, 10 months, and 8 days to be exact. Her hair had grown to a thick, soft sheet of blond that draped to just below her shoulder blade. She had carefully put a few light fluffy curls in it to give it even more volume and make it oooooh so irresistible to the touch. It worked!
Peter ran his fingers through the mass, lifting it from her neck, kissing her softly at the nape he once could see! He let it drop then ran his fingers through the top, pulling it starkly back away from her face… kissing her forehead and nuzzling around the hairline. Lynn’s heartbeat quickened. She pushed away only momentarily and picked up her carry-on bag.
“This way to the bedroom, darling.” Peter led her by the hand.
The warm glow from the candles, mingled with the scent of Peter’s cologne and the touch of his hand on her shoulders as she dropped the bag beside the bed and he began undressing her; it was nearly overpowering for her. Peter took his time in kissing every inch of her it seemed; all the while their flame burned hotter within. Peter’s hands never left Lynn’s head for the first 15 minutes, constantly lifting, sifting, gently tugging at the strands of golden glory.
“I want you now Lynn,” came Peter’s husky confession.
“And you shall have me, love… now,” came her breathless surrender.
Laying her back across the satin sheets, Peter lowered his lips to her taught pink nipples. Sucking and kissing, his tongue swirled around and around. His teeth grazed the edges.. Lynn pushed his head closer; it seemed as if she just couldn’t give him enough of herself. Moaning that the pressure and passion, knowing it wouldn’t take much to have her coming; Peter raised himself, slowed the pace and scooted her over in the bed horizontally so her hair could swing off one side and her feet pointed to the other. Lynn’s knees came up automatically and her legs spread. Peter lowered himself and began to lick at her wet pussy lips, his tongue exploring every part of her. Her back arched in want of him. He again paused and stretched himself upon her so he could run his hands through the glorious locks of gold.
“Baby, ohhh God baby, I’ve got to have all of you,” came Peter’s plea of passion. Raising her head slightly to kiss him, Lynn could barely think straight.
“I give myself to you my love, all of me, take all of me,” she faintly whispered and moaned to him.
“Even this?” Peter questioned as he lifted a handful of her hair so that it tugged lightly at her scalp.
“All of it, my sweet, for it will be your prized possession,” Lynn offered.
Peter groaned at her unselfish submission. “Oh my darling, my love!” He spent the next few minutes preparing her. He ran his fingers through her hair, rubbing at her nape and temples and forehead. It nearly drove her to come at only his touch. Carefully he spread her out… eagle fashion, binding loosely her feet and hands to the bed frame with long strips of soft white cotton sheets. He recalled this being part of her ultimate fantasy. Her response was quite favorable. Again he lowered his head and let his tongue work its magic until she was bucking full body; wanting her to come more than once; he continued until she literally wreathed with spasms.
“Now, it’s time,” Peter stated matter-of-factly.
He brushed her hair repeatedly as she regained her energy and strength. Long strokes from forehead back to the tip ends of the locks. He sat now on the floor at the side of the bed where her head hung back. He kissed her temples. Massaging her scalp with those commanding yet gentle hands. Soon her reactions were rising to the occasion. He saw her body begin to yearn for more.
POP! WHIRRRRRRRRRRRR! The Osters were alive and ready! Lynn shivered and groaned.
“Do it Peter. Take it, all of me,” she nearly begged. The ache in her loins seemed almost unbearable.
“Look up, my love,” Peter urged. There, above the bed, he had mounted a ceiling mirror. “I want you to see it come off,” said Peter.
Lynn watched as he brushed her hair once more, then ruffled all back up with his fingers. He lifted it to his nose and smelled it as if it were some prized flower. The clippers in one hand; her hair in the other. He sat under her somewhat there on the floor; so the sheaths of hair would rain down over his hard and erect cock.
“No more waiting baby.” Peter placed the clippers at the center of her forehead, holding them there momentarily. Slowly he pulled them back, hearing her gasp at the feel of it as the first chunk was caught in the blades and the sound changed. Knowing this was it; she would emerge bald; submitted, yielded to her love for all time. The clippers sliced through the honey locks as if they were soft butter. The stark path left behind was unmistakably clipper shaved. No stopping now. Lynn moaned and her body raised in deep desire. Her mind reeled with thoughts of Peter and his love for her; how would she look bald, would he want her after she was? What would people say? How would she feel? All the while her body begged for it.
Peter kept shaving. Peeling the silky tresses off path by path. the clutched a pile of them in his lap as Lynn watched in the mirror. Raising her head a bit, he pulled the clippers up from the underside, shearing off the back. He lifted a handful of hair and let it drop as if it were strands of jewels. He heaped the pile to the side of him and climbed on top of her… kissing her long and deep.
“You are bald now, my love.” Peter kissed her and mounted her at the same time. The explosion was simultaneous and exhausting! “Heaven,” said Peter as he lay beside her and untied her hands and feet.
“Oh my love,” panted Lynn. “How I’ve longed to give myself to you so completely. My bag, darling, will you hand it to me?” Lynn asked. Soon she pulled out the needle point… a pillow case, stitched with these words: “Crowning glory, for my love.” Rolling over onto her tummy, she reached for the pile of hair, filling the casing with the mass of her locks; zipped it closed and handed it to her loving barber. “Your gift, a pillow of love; to hold when I’m away.” Lynn kissed him and vowed to let him keep the pillow freshly stuffed as need be.
“I want my pillow of love next.” Lynn lifted another empty casing from her bag and stroked Peter’s hair with her fingertips.
The End?
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