Patti had just turned thirty-seven when she made the decision to begin making a change in her life, and her lifestyle. That, “high school” sweetheart she so dearly loved got caught with another woman, and it was not his secretary because he was a laborer. He was one who (Ha, Ha) worked with his hands, boy was he ever working with his hands the night he got caught. She, like many of women who catch their “better-half”, had come home from work early.
There they were, not on the couch or in the bedroom, but in the garage on the trunk of his car. The neighbors were all out doing things in their front yard, when she hit that little button to open the garage door. His ass was pushing “up and down” faster than a racehorse running to stay out of the glue factory line. Her legs were high over his shoulders, flopping in the air like a branch on a tree when the wind is blowing fast and hard. She was moaning (Ha, Ha) so loud, and he was trying to keep her from falling off the trunk, that neither one heard the door open.
Patti sat there in her car watching this “stud”, who had said he “was tired from working to shake the sheets with her”. “TIRED” was not the word she could think of now, more like “petered-out” was more like it. Anyway she was not going to let him finish with a “bang”, unless it was from her. Knowing him, and his ways of making it, she waited for the right moment and let her hands do the blowing.
The sound could not travel any way but in their direction, and because of how close she was it could not expand outward. It, was one of those “frontal attacks” you hear the military talk about. It could not have been a better place and time. When she hit the button, and the horn sounded, the woman let out a scream of “Ohhhhh, shit”, and he jumped back shooting white stuff all over the trunk. When he jumped, pulling out, she fell between him and the car, with her body sliding in a “V” shape as her ass hit the cement floor and her head the metal of the car.
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He did not turn and run, because he knew Patti was fast on her feet and would catch him with whatever she could get her hands on. The woman tried, while holding her ass and head in pain, to get up and grab her clothing and make it down the street to her car.
That was three years ago and she wanted everything about him out of the way. She had the house painted another color, because he picked the color it was painted. The dog’s name was changed, he even got a bigger bed out of it. Their bedroom was turned into a storage room, and the room where he had his model train display was turned into a playroom for her. And, play in it she did.
Over the years she had expanded her interest in “love” to include women. A few times, when she had to much to drink, she found herself waking up to two, three or even four, men in her playroom. When she tried to get up, she was very sore in a place she used to sit on. Her female lovers sometimes left behind their “toys”, which she kept for their next visit.
She tried to make changes in her life before, but they would only last a few days, a week at the most. Like the month, well two months, she dyed her hair from blond to a multi-color rainbow. Her dresses and skirts became very short, she did not have to sit down for the hemline to touch her ass. She even changed jobs, four or five times.
But, last year she put her childhood dream to work. She always like to draw and paint, she took art in high school. Her parents had spent a thousand dollars on one of those home study courses you see advertised in magazines. Even in college art was her major. So, with that little extra spending money from her “ex” she began doing freelance work. The money was not so good at first, but after a few months she was well on her way.
It was two months ago that she and Carol and Carol met, they were husband and wife. She had been out partying with a girlfriend from college, who had come into town for a conference. They had not seen each other since graduation day. They had met at the hotel where her friend was stay, had dinner, a few drinks, and did a lot of talking to catch up on each others adventures.
Her friend had an early flight back home, so they said good night and good bye around 10pm. This was too early for Patti, so she “went a-wondering”.
She came across a new night club a few blocks from the hotel, it had just opened the week before. The music was a mixture and the lighting was not too soft and not too heavy, you could see your way around when you entered. Patti went right to the bar and ordered her favorite, “whiskey straight”. She was there about an hour when this couple walked in.
The man gave the woman a kiss and went to the bathroom, and she wondered around the club looking for a table. Finding no open tables, she walked to the bar. “Are these two seats taken?” she asked Patti.
Patti looked at her and shook her head “NO”.
The woman took the seat next to her, a trusting wife Patti thought to herself, and ordered two drinks. Her husband joined her within a few minutes and paid for the drinks, leaving a good tip for the bartender. They began to talk low, almost in a whisper. At first Patti did not bother to try to hear what they were talking about, but as time went by, and after two more shots, her ears were stretching beyond their limits. The woman noticed how Patti was trying to hear, and how her husband was looking at Patti. She leaned over to her husband and whispered something in his ear. When she was finished her husband shook his head with a smile, and the woman got up and walked away.
“My wife thinks I am making eyes at you,” he told Patti.
Patti looked around for the woman, not seeing her she told the man, “You do look pretty inviting.”
Patti was about to lean over the chair, when his wife’s hand pulled it back and she got into it. She looked at her husband and then at Patti. “Well?” she said to her husband in a questioning voice.
“Not yet,” he told her. “You came back too soon.”
The woman turned and looked at Patti, she had that look Patti had seen on many other women. That looked that told her the woman was a “player”, and so was her husband. Patti smiled at her, “We just started to talk, but you came back too soon. But, I think it was soon enough, for me”. The woman turned to face Patti, and she placed her left hand on Patti’s right thigh. Patti smiled and gave her a wink.
After an hour the three of them left for the couple’s hotel room. Patti had never been with a man and woman, but she was well on her way. She and the woman took turns with each other, and the woman’s husband had Patti in her sore spot. It was well into the next morning when she left the hotel, with their names and telephone number.
She called them a few days later, too see how they were doing and if they remembered her.
The woman, Carol, did all the talking, while her husband, Carol, listened in on an extension. She had told them how it was her first time with a husband and wife, and she found it to be very enjoyable. The wife asked Patti if she would like to get together with them another night, “maybe this time she would come to their house”. Patti like this idea, and did not waste any time asking when she could drop by for a visit.
The woman told Patti that she and her husband had to think about it for a while. But, Patti should call her at her place of employment in two days and she would let her know. It was the longest two days Patti had waited since her divorce, but she felt it was worth the time. Carol had promised her a “wild” time, to do things to her she had never done to another woman. She told Patti of “new” toys she had just gotten, and how her husband could not wait to play with Patti’s ass.
It was about noon when Patti called her. The telephone was answered “Carol’s Barber Shop”.
“Barber shop?” Patti thought to herself. “I must have dialed the wrong number.” She hung up and diled the number again. “Carol’s Barber Shop,” the soft voice said again. This time Patti said to the voice, “Is this Carol, the female Carol of Carol and Carol?”
“Patti, is that you?” the voice said.
With a deep breath Patti was relieved, “You did not tell me the name of the place you worked at.”
Carol laughed, “Sometimes I forget. Many people think the “Carol” is my husband.”
“Well, I am calling like you said,” Patti replied.
“Then, you do want to get with us,” Carol asked.
“YES,” Patti said.
“Well, let me make you an appointment,” Carol continued. “We can talk more while I do your hair. It will be for free, of course. I think you will like what I have in mind for you.”
“So, when is the best time for you?”
“Any time” Patti said in a low voice.
“Let’s see …..”
“YES, 5pm is open. Come in at 5pm,” Carol voice commanded a little.
“When, ….. I mean today?” Patti inquired.
“Oh, yes today,” Carol again commanded a little louder. “And, do wear that blouse and skirt you had on when we met. Also, some five or six inch heel would look great on you,” Carol said in a pleasant voice. “Carol and I would like for you to join us tonight. If, that is all right with you.”
“All right,” Patti thought to herself, “it would be wonderful”.
They hung up and Patti went shopping, she did not have any five or six inch heels that Carol mentioned. She had never worn shoes with a heel higher than three inches, but for some reason she was willing, and wanting, to wear five or six inch heels tonight. After finding a shoe store that sold them, she had to decide whether to get five or six inch heels. Her problems was settled when she found the shoe store, all they had was six inch heels.
When she got home with them, she put them on and started walking around in them. Her calves were being pulled with each step, but she was determined to walk in them. The trick was being able to balance herself with each step, after almost two hours she was walking in them as if she wore nothing but six inch heels. She noticed the time, it was a little before 4pm.
She rushed to shower and get dressed. She would need about fifteen minutes to drive to Carol’s shop. When she arrived she found a parking spot in front of Carol’s shop. The shop was on the first floor of a small two story building. As she entered the shop she saw that Carol was giving a woman a haircut. The woman looked to be about fifty, and she had taken care of herself over the years.
“Patti,” Carol called out as she entered the shop, “Have a seat. I will be with you in a few minutes”. Carol sat down looking around at the shop. She had never been in a barber shop, and everything was so different from the beauty salons she had gone to over the years. “O.K., Mag,” Patti heard Carol tell the woman. “This should keep you for another three or four weeks.”
After paying Carol the woman said “bye” and left. Carol stepped away from the chair, “All right lady, ….. your turn.” Patti looked at her and the chair, it was big. Carol was dusting hair from the seat with the cape. She stopped just as Patti stepped onto the foot rest.
“First time,” Carol said. “This is the foot rest,” pointing to the leather covered object coming up from the ú small metal floor. “Put one foot here and cross your other leg over,” she said as she guided Patti into position.
“Oooooo,” Patti said as she sat in the chair, “this feels comfortable. Plenty of room to move around if you get uncomfortable.” Carol smiled as she pulled the cape up and around Patti’s neck.
“Carol, my husband, and I were talking about that night,” Carol said as she begin to comb Patti’s hair out. “We enjoyed your company and were hoping you would call us. When you did he almost had a heart attack. He did not think you would want to see us again. But, I told him you would.”
“Well, I kind of thought about it for a few days, and I enjoyed your company, also. So, I figured I would give it a try and I called,” Patti said as she been to feel at easy in the chair. “I am glad you offered to cut my hair. I have been thinking about going a little shorter, about two or three inches, being as summer is a few months away. Do you have any suggestions?”
“Well, yes,” Carol said with a twinkle in her eyes as she turned the chair to face the large mirror behind the chair. “But, I was thinking more than two or three inches.”
Patti brushed her fingers through her hair brushing it back off her face, “How short are you talking about.”
“How brave are you?” Carol inquired as she pulled Patti’s hair back behind her head. “Carol and I like women with real short hair.”
Patti looked at how Carol had her hair pulled back. It was short, shorter than she really wanted to go. But, then it would grow back if she did not like it, and she would be doing something different with her life as she had wanted, too. “You said you had something in mind for me. Is it really short like I see it now,” Patti inquired.
“You want it short for the summer, don’t you,” Carol asked with a hesitation.
Patti looked at her in the mirror, then at how she was holding her hair back. “What the hell,” Patti responded. “You only live once, and I’m looking for a change. Just do what you think is best, and I will live with until it grows back. My hair does grow fast.”
With that Carol spun the chair back around so Patti was looking at the larger mirror behind where the customers sat. “You know once I start I can not stop,” she told Patti. Patti looked at her and took a deep breath, letting it out as to tell Carol “O.K..” Carol picked up the comb and scissors and begin combing a section of hair in the front. She placed the strands between her fingers of the left hand, and about two inches from her scalp, ten more than Patti was thinking about cutting off, and quickly cut the section of hair. It fell down past Patti’s eyes into her lap. She looked down at the first cutting in her lap, as another section of strands came falling down past her eyes.
When she looked at herself in the mirror, it was too late to tell Carol to stop. Quickly Carol was combing and cutting her way back over Patti’s head, leaving behind hair only about two inches long and sticking up from her head. When she reached the back, she begin cutting the strands on the right side of the center cutting. It did not take her long to reduce this path, and she was now cutting the right side of her head.
Hair was falling on the floor, on her shoulder, and in her lap. Her head was tilted downward as Carol begin cutting the back. Neither said a word, only Carol would say “tilt this way and that way” as she cut more and more of Patti’s hair off. Ten minutes had passed and Carol was finished with the comb and scissors. She was brushing her fingers through the short strands, rocking Patti’s head back and forth a little. “You’re going to like this cut. I have given it about ten other women we have met,” Carol said as she placed the comb and scissors on the shelf. “They still come in for a trim, you know keeping the cut I gave them. Yes…, I think you will like it. It is going to be different than any other hair cut you have ever had. And, I know my husband will like it, too.”
Carol tilted Patti’s head downward causing her to look down at the strands of her red hair in her lap. She looked at them thinking of all the years they were together, the time she dyed them blond then multi- colored. She had put them through a lot. Many times they brushed out of the way as a lover wanted to see her “do her thing.” The men who held them as they took her from behind.
Now they laid in peace in her lap. Soon, to fall to the floor with the others and be swept away.
“Now keep your head still,” Carol commanded, “If, you move it will cause pulling of hairs.”
Patti did as Carol asked, she knew what pain it would be to have her hair pulled out from their roots. As a child her brothers would pull on her hair to lead her around like a “slave” when they played games. She felt cold metal below her hairline, as Carol held her head tight on top of her head. She could not move her head if she tried.
“SHhhhhh”… “SHhhhhh” … “SHhhhhh,” Patti heard as the metal moved up the back of her neck, then her head. She could feel a breeze as the metal object “SHhhhhhed” up the back. She felt hair falling over the path, as strands faintly touch her skin below the metal object. When it reached the top, Carol began anther path upward to the right. Then, another to the left of the first path. The back of her head felt strange and breezy.
She started to take her hand from under the cape, to feel the back, but she was stopped by Carol. “Don’t do that. Your fingers may get cut,” she said sadly. “You can feel it after I am finished.”
Her head was tilted downward as her eyes caught a large pile of red hair come falling down over her right ear. Her eyes opened wide in disbelief, as Carol pushed tilting her head to the left. the “SHhhhhh” … “SHhhhhhh” was now moving up in front of her right ear, as more red hair fell into her lap. She felt the breeze on the right side of her head, she tried to look up at herself in the mirror.
She felt Carol’s hand move around on top of her head, as she walked behind the chair to the left side. Still she could not see herself in the large mirror, as she felt the metal object “SHhhhhh” … “SHhhhhh” … “SHhhhhh,” up behind her left ear. Again a pile of her red hair came tumbling down her cheek, on to her shoulder, and sliding down into her lap.
When Carol had stopped the metal object Patti’s head came up looking at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath as her mouth opened. Carol stood on the right side of the chair brushing a long brush over her head and face. Dusting hair that did not fall into her lap or on the floor. The two inches Carol had scissored her hair into was now, somehow, cut closer to her scalp.
“Yes, I am sure my husband and I will enjoy tonight,” Carol said. She was washing Patti’s head with warm soapy water.
Patti sat not believing what had happened. How could she do this to me!
Patti was beginning to have second, even third, thoughts about going with her and her husband tonight. She would never had agreed to met them tonight if she knew Carol was going to do this, whatever she was doing, to her. Then, reality hit her between the eyes, as Carol begin piling shaving leather from a can on top of her head.
Before Patti could say a word, Carol was spreading the shaving cream over her head. First, she spread it over the clipped hairs, then she begin rubbing it hard against her scalp and hairs. It did not take Patti long to realise what Carol was going to do next.
Again Carol said, “Yes, my husband and I will enjoy this tonight,” as she begin shaving Patti’s head. Her first stroke was down the middle, like she had cut her hair with the comb and scissors. She shaved slowly, as if she was getting some sexual release from it. Back and back she shaved removing shaving cream and red hair.
Patti watched in horror as Carol came back to the front of her head and begin shaving another path on the right side of the first. Again she shaved slowly backwards. Patti could not believe she was having her head shaved. She tried to understand what was going on, and why was it happening.
Why did she agree to met with Carol and her husband tonight?
Why did she agree to let Carol, someone she did not know until that night, talk her in to letting her give her a haircut?
Carol tilted her head to the left, as she begin shaving the right side of her head. Shaving upward and back around her head. Shaving just far around the back to where the top had been shaved to. After each stroke she would rinse the razor under cold water, and as she begin shaving a new section of her head she used a new razor. It was as if she had done this before, maybe to those other eight or ten women they had met, also.
Patti looked at herself in the large mirror, as Carol took short strokes, not understanding why another woman would do this to her. Did she not know how she was feeling!
How would she feel if another woman, even her, did this to her!
Carol forced Patti’s head to the right, as she begin her last strokes to shave her head bald.
Bald, …..
Patti had not thought of it that way until now. She would be bald, no hair.
She wanted to start crying, but that would not do anything to help the problem. Carol, she thought, would only get more excited. She could see that Carol was shaving the last of her head in back. Crying now would do nothing to stop her.
Carol tossed the razor into the sink, and picked up a wet towel from it. She wrapped it around Patti’s shaven head and begin to wipe it clean. The warmth felt warm, but different. She had always washed her hair with warm water, but she did not feel it like she was now. It was beginning to give a strange feeling.
Carol undid the cape and let it fall down into her lap. She put a sweet smelling powder on the long brush and begin brushing across her shaven head and neck, then whisking a few strokes across her face. She reached across Patti’s lap and removed the hair filled cape, letting the strands of red hair fall on the foot rest.
“All right,” Carol said sweetly, “your haircut is finished.”
Patti brought her hands to her head and begin stroking her shaven head. The feeling was different, like the first time she shaved her legs. Like the first time her, then, boyfriend stroked her legs at the movies.
As she turned to watch Carol sweep her hair away, she heard a noise. Her eyes searched for it, as Carol just sweep. As her eyes looked around the shop, her ears listened for it again. It was coming from behind her. Her eyes looked in the mirror as she saw a man coming from out a closet.
Carol looked up, “Did you get it all.”
“Yes,” the man said, who Patti recognized as the other Carol, the male Carol. In his hand he had a camera. “All I have to do is get the others out and we are a “go” for tonight.”
“We can do some edit work tomorrow. But, I think the best shot is from the front,” he said.
He walked by Patti, giving her a pat on the cheek, “Nice haircut.”
Carol picked up her things from under the shelf and they walked to the door.
“Well, coming with us?” she asked.
Patti looked at herself in the mirror …..
I cannot wait to see what the have planned for me at their house.
The End
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