Marines – Kelli21257 & Anonimus00
Anonimus00: Panties too!
KELLI21257: I cringe…finally reaching down and slowly pulling my panties down my legs…and putting them on the chair…I keep my shirt low…to hide my neatly groomed bush and slit.
Anonimus00: I address the other recruits… “Men, it is more than obvious that Private Kelli is trying to use her womanhood to court your favor. She will stop at nothing to make you her “love-slaves”. The only way I can think of to give you a strong disincentive to want her is to make her less desirable physically.
Anonimus00: Kelli… IN THE CHAIR!
KELLI21257: I cringe….”Less desirable? Ohhhh…noooo…pleassse…”
Anonimus00: IN THE CHAIR!
KELLI21257: I pull my shirt low as I get into the chair…looking pleadingly at the other recruits for support.
Anonimus00: As you get in the chair, I grab the electric clippers from the barber. “You’re relieved!” The barber walks away.
Anonimus00: It looks like I have to teach you a lesson, Kelli. I pull your shirt high and reveal your nicely trimmed golden bush.
Anonimus00: “You smell that, boys? That’s puntang… good old-fashioned pussy, just wafting in the air. Know why you can smell it… it hangs around in the pubic hair. Well, I don’t want that smell distracting you during your time in basic training.”
Anonimus00: I snap the clippers on to life. “Spread your legs, Kelli. Spread ’em wide! NOW!”
KELLI21257: I cringe….I start tearing as I spread my legs…
Anonimus00: I bring the clippers into your quivering lap. I start mowing off your bush gruffly, not taking any kind of care, just running the clippers over the hair over and over, shaving it all off. The tiny curly hairs stick to the chair around your legs.
Anonimus00: You see the smiles on the guys start to disappear now.
Anonimus00: In just a few seconds, your manicured snatch is bare… just a slit now.
KELLI21257: I whimper…staring down in shock at my slit…
Anonimus00: I rub my hand over your pussy… “Hmmmmm, nice and bald. Just like a real recruit.”
Anonimus00: With that, I pull out a haircutting cape and wrap it around you. I pull out your hair and let it hang down to the back. I turn the chair around so you are facing the mirror, and your back is to the recruits.
KELLI21257: I frown knowing this is going to be sooo humiliating…
Anonimus00: DING DING DING DING… you said humiliate…… that means I get to shave you bald, top and bottom, if and when I make it out to CA! YAYYYYY!
KELLI21257: oh FUCK 🙁
Anonimus00: Now Kelli, the normal regulation haircut for women in the Marine Corps would allow you to keep your hair to here. I point to your chin.
Anonimus00: (That can be part of it too, if you want 😉 )
KELLI21257: I look at you hopefully….
Anonimus00: However, I think that this would still allow you to look somewhat feminine. Do you know how the military haircut came about Kelli?
KELLI21257: I look at you pleading…”I want to look feminine..please…no..I dont know..”
Anonimus00: Originally, it was designed to keep your enemy from grabbing your hair during hand-to-hand combat. Now, though, it’s more to help build “Esprit de corps”… to strip away each person’s individuality and make them part of a unit… EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME.
Anonimus00: With that the clippers roar to life again. I near them to your forehead…..
KELLI21257: I squirm uncomfortably..I gasp and my eyes start to cry
Anonimus00: I plunge them in and slowly pull back over your head…. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! A huge mass of blonde curls fall into your lap. A two-inch wide strip of baldness appears on the top of your head! I laugh, “Yeah, nice… you’re starting to look like a real Marine now!”
Anonimus00: I repeat the motion, over to the left…. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.. another rain of golden ringlets plop down.
KELLI21257: “Noooo,,,it is one of my best features you jerk!!! NOOO..STOP!!! I will look terrible!!”
Anonimus00: Now to the right….. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! These clippers were designed to go through the thickest hair. Even yours offers no resistance!
Anonimus00: “Shut up bitch, or it will get worse!” Now up the right side…. by your ear…… BZZZZZZZZZZZZ straight up to your temple, meeting the bald spot on top… now behind your ear…… BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ This is fun!
KELLI21257: I realize it is too late now…and I jsut start to cry as my mane is chopped off my head.
Anonimus00: If you keep crying, I’ll take your eyebrows too!
Anonimus00: The left side falls as quickly as the right. Two quick BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and the side is shaved down to nothing.
KELLI21257: I try to stop crying miserably
KELLI21257: I look down at the insane amount of long pale blonde hair on the floor.
Anonimus00: I place my free hand on the top of your head and force your chin down to your ample chest. I bring the clippers up the back of your head, shearing off what’s left of your blondeness. BZZZZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ The hair is piling up on the floor by my feet now
KELLI21257: I can’t help but sob at the loss of my beautiful long enticing mane.
Anonimus00: A few more passes… and I turn off the clippers. You’re completely bald now… your beautiful blonde coif lies lifeless on the barbershop floor.
Anonimus00: You’re still crying… I’ll teach you to listen to orders… I snap the clippers back on and pull your head straight back so you’re looking up at the ceiling. I run the clippers several times over your left eye, ridding you of the only hair left on your head… your eyebrows!
KELLI21257: I reach up and feel my head…then pull away…mouth falling open in miserable shock.
Anonimus00: Now for the right eye! BZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZz BZZZZZZZZZZ
KELLI21257: I am totally unadorned…
Anonimus00: You can see that the guys in the platoon are no longer eyeing you like they did before. They look at you like some sort of freak now.
Anonimus00: Now I snap the clipper off. “Well, Kelli… how do you like being a Marine now?”
KELLI21257: I cringe….”this is horrible…..” I run a hand over my head…realizing most of my attractiveness has been eliminated…at least my face and bod are still bargainable I guess…but my lovely hair..I look down in dismay
Anonimus00: I seems that you still haven’t learned a damned thing. Well, now we’ll have to do something about that… I know.” I grab your arm and yank you out of the chair and drag you out of the barbershop…
Anonimus00: You still have the barber’s cape on, and no pants or panties. I drag you across the compound to a little white shack… BASE TATTOO PARLOR
KELLI21257: I try to keep up while keep my shirt and cape down…trying to pull away
KELLI21257: (I love this….although I am still clothed)
Anonimus00: (only partially)
Anonimus00: (so far)
Anonimus00: As I pull you into the little shack, you see a big, burly man with tattoos all over his arms working on another soldier… a big dagger on his arm.
Anonimus00: As he finishes, I shove you into the chair.
KELLI21257: “Ohhh…nooo…please…you already shaved me bald…I’ll be good…I won’t flirt I promise…”
Anonimus00: Well, Cookie… this bitch recruit won’t behave… I want to make sure she can’t flirt with any of my other recruits… I have some ideas…” I take him aside and whisper some things in his ear. Cookie nods, approvingly, looking at you. He moves closer and rips the barber cape off of you, followed by your shirt. You are completely naked now.
KELLI21257: I wince…trying to get away…”Please don’t tattoo me!!! PLEASE!!!” I screech
KELLI21257: (gotta go in about 5 minutes)
Anonimus00: I hold you firmly in place in the chair by your head. Cookie grabs his needles at gets to work… he starts on your forehead, almost as if he’s writing something. You hear the needle jabbing back and forth and feel the sting as it enters your skin over and over….
Anonimus00: He starts again… this time writing a line over that…. he does this four times.
KELLI21257: I screech and holler…”Noo…my face…noooo…oh fuck..oh shit…nooo…” I finally slump down and allow it to be done.
Anonimus00: He changes needles and moves toward your chest. Your head is being held steady my hands so you can’t see what he’s doing. You feel the pain right above your cleavage though…
KELLI21257: All the recruits outside are waiting anxiously to see what has happened to me…almos tin disbelief at what I looked like only an hour before.
Anonimus00: Now he starts to work on… your LEFT BREAST! He starts tattooing above and around your nipple. After a few minutes, he goes to work on the right one.
Anonimus00: Now he moves down to your pussy. The needle really stings, your slit still being sore from the shaving I gave you earlier.
KELLI21257: I slump docilely….realizing that your hands aren’t in my hair…they’re on my scalp….and he is doing my whole body…not just my face…he is ruining my whole fucking body…
Anonimus00: Cookie gives you the once-over and smiles. He puts down his needles and picks up a mirror and holds it in front of you, so you can admire his work….
Anonimus00: He shows you your pussy first…. He’s tattooed a red “no entry” sign with the words “NO ENTRY BY ORDER OF THE U.S. MARINE CORPS” on your snatch!
KELLI21257: I go to look…cringing at how all this was done just to make sure I couldn’t flirt…I know I won’t look good for a long time….at least 2 years before I get to have hair again…
KELLI21257: I begin to sob
Anonimus00: Stop that crying and look at what else Cookie did, or I’ll give you something to cry about.
KELLI21257: I look reluctantly
Anonimus00: Cookie points the mirror at your tits… you see words tattooed on your cleavage and tits. On your cleavage, you can see (although backwards) “DON’T EVEN LOOK” On your right tit (if you read left to right, right tit comes first) he’s tattooed “DON’T SUCK ON ME”, and on the left one, “ME NEITHER”.
Anonimus00: Now he raises the mirror so you can see your face…
Anonimus00: There are four lines written on your face: LESBIAN…DYKE…BUTCH…MARINE
KELLI21257: OMIGOD…”how? How will men want me now? I can’t…nooo..this has gotta be a nightmare….I am still pretty…no…I want to be a blonde. PLEASE!!”
Anonimus00: I think that will keep the boys away for a while… what do you think Private Kelli?
KELLI21257: “yes sir”
Anonimus00: Stop that whimpering! So… you wanna feel like a woman again, huh?
KELLI21257: “yes sir”
Anonimus00: I’ll lay off of you… if you blow me every day for the rest of basic training, starting now. Otherwise, you will come with me to the barbershop every day and I will reshave you, and Cookie will create more interesting artwork on you every day. Which shall it be?
KELLI21257: I cringe….the humiliation…every time guys see me…no more good looks…
Anonimus00: humiliate… I LOVE that word! Does this mean I get a blow job too?
KELLI21257: I drop to my knees to blow you obediently….(maybe you should still keep me bald just so you can watch the blowjobs 🙂 )
Anonimus00: I unzip my pants and put my cock in your mouth
KELLI21257: I take your cock in my mouth and start sucking you obediently…
KELLI21257: (ouch)
Anonimus00: I watch as your head bobs back and forth as you put your lipstick on my dipstick.
Anonimus00: Faster Kelli
Anonimus00: FASTER!
KELLI21257: I realize in horror that my hair is probably being gathered to fill pillowcases as I suck…I suck harder and faster.
Anonimus00: Oh yeah… I rub your bald head to get me off more… I love making petulant little girls like you pay… breaking you down to nothing…
Anonimus00: I start to feel that burning sensation… I’m reaching the climax.
Anonimus00: I pull my cock out of your mouth, and come all over your face and head. I spurt ten times, each time sending that white sticky stuff onto you.
KELLI21257: I keep sucking…feeling so docile as your hand roams my bald scalp….
Anonimus00: I pull up my pants, and grab you, still white and sticky, and take you outside where the rest of the platoon is. They look at you in shock and disgust, reading the tattoos and seeing that you’re not nearly as pretty as you were just half an hour ago.
Anonimus00: Gentlemen, this is what you were getting a hard-on about before. Now what do you think? You are here to be Marines, not to wax your dolphins! This is strictly off-limits, although given her makeover, I don’t think that too many of you are getting hot and bothered about her anyway.
Anonimus00: Now, let’s start the day with a nice ten-mile hike. Hup two three four, hup two three four….
KELLI21257: I cringe…looking for my clothing…
Anonimus00: No clothing… you run naked… so all the base can see my and Cookie’s handiwork… I want the whole base to know you are a lesbian so no guy will come after you for two years.
KELLI21257: I realize it is going to take a lot of time and money to ever be attractive again…I cringe and start running….
Anonimus00: What did you think?
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