Jill’s Haircut – Lisa Morgan
Hi again. It’s been some time since I last wrote about my salon work but I’ve just done a super makeover and I just had to share it with everyone. If you have read either of my two previous major re-style stories, ‘Helen’s Haircut’ and ‘Paula’s Haircut’, you will know I am a qualified stylist working for the Regis Company. My favourite job is cutting and I love taking long or medium hair off really short in one salon visit. I don’t shave or do full-head clipper cuts on female clients as the severe look is not for me. I have no problem cutting any client’s hair short as long as it’s with their permission. I am what is commonly known as scissor-happy.
Last week in my appointment column I saw a name I hadn’t seen or done for ages, Jill Bielby. It’s quite a rare name and I knew it would be the same one who I went to senior school with. We were not that friendly at school until we were 15 and we sat together for our cookery classes. I am not sure which of us was the worse: I still can’t cook.
Jill’s hair was never long, it was always about chin length and she was never fashion-mad to have a modern style but she was a pretty girl and boys generally liked her. We both left school at 16, I came to Regis as a trainee, Jill went to work in an audit office at a local large company.
What actually brought us friendly again later was when I was 17 I went out for a few months with a boy called Paul. We were just boyfriend-girlfriend and both of us were learning the facts of life. He was my fourth lover but was the first who actually knew what to do. Paul was the first boy who I had oral sex with. I was so nervous and pretended I’d sucked off men before, he knew I hadn’t as when I was gently licking his cock he came out with the line, “It’s not a fucking ice cream, get it in your mouth and swallow it!” Well, we all remember our first coming.
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After a while we just grew apart and split but always kept in touch, either at local pubs where we would meet with friends or just by chance in town at night.
This is how the three of us come together. Paul had met Jill at a wine bar one Sunday and during the conversation it came about that we went to school together. She did know about the ice cream but didn’t say anything, Paul didn’t ask for her phone number but rang me to see if I would give it him. I liked the idea of playing matchmaker and as they say the rest is history.
Jill started coming to me for haircuts shortly after. She wasn’t the adventurous type and had a similar chin bob as she had for years, so she was another who just had a trim.
After they got married two years ago I stopped doing Jill’s hair as they moved to Birmingham, so we spoke regularly by phone. In February this year they both moved to Singapore as Paul was sent on a two-year contract with his company. That’s why it was nice to see Jill’s name in my column. So on Monday this week, both of them came in the salon, they were over for three weeks and staying at her parents’. I was so pleased we all hugged and kissed in the reception. After 5 minutes, Jill told Paul to go and come back in an hour, he said OK and as he was leaving he said to Jill, “Please don’t have it cut off too short?”
I picked up on it instantly and thought today may be my lucky day. I wasn’t expecting to do a makeover for Jill but I would love to cut off her bob, which by now had some layers in but was still in the same basic cut she had worn for ages. I walked Jill over to my station, and sat her down. Her hair hadn’t really changed much since I used to trim it, a few more soft layers, still boring.
“Well, what can I do to your hair today,” I asked her?
“Lisa, I want it cropped really short, you wouldn’t believe how sticky and hot Singapore is, the humidity is unbearable. I’m showering two and three times a day and blow-drying hair is OK in our apartment but as soon as I go out it looks a mess and also I don’t want to spend ages daily blow drying.” I asked what Paul thought about her going short, she said he didn’t want her to and almost pleaded for her to keep some length. She told me she couldn’t stand it as it was and wanted a style that didn’t need blowing that could be washed, have a product rubbed in and left natural. It had to be NO maintenance.
She took some photos out of her bag of a hair mag that had a short ‘n’ spiky feature. All the ones she pointed out to me were all either clipper crops or scissor-over-comb cuts. My day had brightened up, I started to get moist thinking about doing this cut. Of course I’d make the usual “Are you sure?” noises but as sure as god made little apples I’d be cutting her hair all off in a few minutes.
Although it sounds great to section hair and run clippers up to crop hair down to almost nothing I find that it is so quick that the pleasure is over too quickly. I much prefer to use scissor-over-comb to style a crop as I get a longer feeling of satisfaction. We chatted for a while and decided that I would take the ears and neck down to scissor-over-comb length and point cut the top slightly longer than finger width, just over an inch, so that she could throw a handful of mousse on, rub wildly and have a wild sassy easy look in seconds. This was to be low maintenance as it was all coming off short. I asked Kerry, our new junior, to take Jill to the backwash to shampoo. As is my custom when doing a makeover I went to the restroom to put in a tampon. I was going to flood!
When I returned, Jill was in my station, gowned up and combed out ready. “Sure?” I asked.
“Yes, get it chopped before Paul comes back.”
I calmly sectioned her head, tilted her forward, placed my slimmest comb under about four inches of hair at her nape and took it down in one snip. This action was repeated many times. We hardly spoke as I like to concentrate and as the neck took shape Jill couldn’t really see how much was coming off but I was taking the neck really short. She had an uneven hairline and I knew I would have to use the clippers to clean up her hairline. I like using a number two to tidy up after the cut is over. I worked my way round to the sides, sectioned off her ears and showed no mercy, taking them down just as short as the neck. I decided to leave a slight point round the ears as I wanted Jill to still look feminine, crops that have shape may be short but can look feminine. I wanted her to like the finished look even if it was dramatically different for her. As I was busy cutting, she now saw the mound of cut hair on her lap and gown, as well as feeling me tug her length and removing it so close to her head. During the cut we chatted generally about things, she was happily married, we laughed about my ice cream incident, Singapore and general girly things. Once I had taken the neck and sides off I started on the crown. This was her longest section, about six inches. I lifted it up and point cut it down to just over an inch. It looked very short as it lay flat. I gradually worked towards her forehead, towards her thick eyebrow fringe. This would be no more, I asked her if she wanted some length leaving or would prefer it wispy and light. She asked my thoughts. I said, “Might as well take them off as well.” After cutting it back to above mid forehead I lifted her short fringe and used my razor to thin the weight from her scalp. The cut was now virtually done. It was short, it was a soft crop which would grow and look great for a few weeks but as with most crops, lose its shape as it got longer. It would need regular trimming.
I called Kerry over to wash Jill off and remove the tiny hairs so I could show her how to style it. Her cape was full of hair but she didn’t seem bothered as I removed the gown. While she was being shampooed again I went to have a drink. A few minutes later Kerry told me Jill was back in my station and I came out to finish. I was shocked myself, I saw a shorn woman! Kerry had combed her hair flatly forward. It was so short. I remembered how much length there was when she arrived earlier. This style was an exact description of the classic French crop, as short as it could be without being severe. It needed a pretty face to carry it off, Jill was lucky. I knew she would be nervous. I asked her how she felt, she said she was a little stunned as when she touched it there was virtually nothing to feel. She also said that she was more concerned about Paul. “He asked me to leave some length, there is not a lot, is there?”
“Don’t worry, let me finish.” I gently clippered in the nape, got my mousse can, squirted a blob in my palm and said, “Watch.” I rubbed it in wildly, pulled some shape in and asked her what she thought.
It looked so different spiked. She smiled and said, “I hope Paul likes it.”
With that he arrived back at the salon, I saw him looking over to see Jill. He must have been shocked, he had never seen her cut so short.
“Let’s go and show him.”
He looked stunned, I was worried that they may row, she looked so different, not only short but spiky. Out of the blue he said, “Jill you look sensational, I love it.”
She smiled with relief and said, “I told you so!” I was pleased as I do like my clients to like their cuts.
On a final note, the next morning at 9 o’clock, Jill rang me at work to thank me. She said she was so pleased Paul loved it, as soon as they got in the car she saw his cock was hard. He couldn’t stop stroking her cropped-off hair. They knew that her parents were out and went straight to bed, she said they hadn’t been so rampant for years, she even got a second fucking in the car on the way home from friends afterwards. We arranged to go out together for a drink before they went back and I thanked her for ringing to thank me. I should have thanked her as I’d spent hours fingering myself to sleep last night!
I have a photo of a similar cut, which I used as the idea for Jill. If you enjoyed this true story please read my other two, Helen’s Haircut and Paula’s Haircut, they are more hair orientated as both are long to short makeovers. If you have any questions or would like to send me any hair orientated e-mails and pictures please do so too.
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