Jenny Jenny was in her third year of college. She started college after working several years for a conservative corporation. She loved the freedom that college gave her and had let her medium brown hair grow until it was now down to her waist. It was July and we were on vacation in California. The first night we went for a run on the beach. When we got back to hotel I said, “Lets take a shower and I’ll wash your hair.”
Washing Jenny’s hair has always been a real turn on for me especially since she grew it longer. She also lets me blow dry it and occasionally trim the ends. This evening when I was finished she hit me with a shocking request. She said that she knew that I really liked her long hair, but that she had recently become intrigued with the idea of shaving her head and wearing different color and length wigs. She said this was a good time to do it since she was still in college and would have 2 years to grow her hair back before returning to the corporate world. I thought she was joking, but she went over to her suitcase and took out the scissors I used to trim the ends, a disposable razor and a beautiful page-boy style auburn wig. I pleaded with her not to cut her hair. She said her mind was made up and if I did not start cutting, she would do it herself.
I had always wondered what she would look like as a blond, so I asked her how about letting me lighten your hair to a pale blond. She seemed to like the idea and said I could lighten her hair and she would decide then if she liked it or still wanted her head shaved. I told her I would go to drug store and be back in a few minutes. She said she would put on some old clothes and promised she would not cut her hair.
I zoomed over to the all night drug store and picked up Developer and the lightest toner. When I returned Jenny was wearing an old T-shirt and a tight pair of faded shorts. As I was getting the Developer ready she was brushing her hair and said that even if she doesn’t shave her head her hair was still too long. She handed me the scissors and said to cut just below the shoulder blades. I was tired of arguing, took the blades and positioned them where she said. and closed the blades and watched about 18 inches of hair fall to floor. I continued cutting across. When I was done she checked it in the mirror and said it looked good. I then said how about bangs? She said sure and I combed down a section of hair in the front and cut across at the middle of her forehead. She checked herself out again and said she really liked it, I thought she looked about ten years younger. I then took the developer and saturated her hair. I told her the directions said to leave it on until her hair turned the color of a banana. This took about 45 minutes. We then undressed and I rinsed out her hair in the shower. After that, I applied the toner, waited 20 minutes and conditioned her hair. We got out of the shower and Jenny went over to the mirror….
Jenny looked at herself in the mirror. To my relief she was pleased. I got the hair dryer and blew her hair dry. The color was an incredible light blond. Jenny went over to her bag and brought out her steam curlers. I put in the curlers. When I took them out she had great curls all over. The combination of the color and curls really turned me on and we spent several hours making love and running my hands through her beautiful hair.
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After our vacation I went back to work and Jenny continued to enjoy the rest of her summer vacation. I thought she was over the idea of shaving her head. About six weeks after I had cut and lightened her hair I came home and found her putting on her auburn page-boy style wig. I thought she had shaved her head until I got closer and saw the blond hair sticking out from under the wig. When she saw me come in to the room she said she was just trying on the wig. I thought that was all until she went on to say that hair did not have the same nice color as when we had lightened it and that her roots were starting to show. I asked her if she want me to touch up the color. She said enjoyed being a blond but still really wanted to shave her head. As I watched her take off the auburn I came up with another idea. Why don’t you let me make you her that same auburn color and I’ll cut it to that same style as the wig. At this point she already had the scissors, razor and shaving cream out. Although she was ready to have me shave her head the idea of me cutting her hair and changing the color seemed more exciting. She said, “OK, I’ll let you color and cut my hair, but after this I want you to shave my head.”
I zoomed out again to a local drug store and returned with auburn permanent hair color. Jenny had already washed her hair and was in her hair coloring outfit – an old T- shirt and faded old tight jeans. I told her I would cut her hair first. Jenny asked me if I knew how to cut a page-boy style. I said I had seen some pictures on the Bob page web site. I added that if I did a bad job we could just shave her head. We both laughed at that point.
I parted her hair in back, and put in some clips to expose the bottom layer of hair. I took the scissors and cut the hair at the nape. I let down the rest of her hair and cut it at about the middle of her neck. I trimmed out a half inch off the bangs. While I mixed the hair color, Jenny admired her new hair style. She thought the bangs were still too long and asked me to cut them a little shorter. I then applied the hair color to her hair. After 25 minutes we took off our clothes, went in to the shower and I rinsed out her hair. Even though her hair was wet I could tell it was beautiful shade of auburn. Jenny quickly wrapped a towel around herself and went over to the mirror….
Jenny loved her auburn hair and new style. I liked it too. I wondered if she would be happy with this length or still want to shave her head. A few weeks later Jenny started college again. Her friends who had last seen her with waist-length light brown hair were pretty surprised to see her with collar-length auburn hair. She received lots of compliments.
After about 6 six weeks Jenny’s roots were becoming noticeable. It was quite a turn on to think about what she would want to do now – touch up the auburn color, go shorter, or a new color? One day when I came home Jenny was reading a hairstyle magazine. Jenny showed me a picture of a women with a very short hairstyle. Jenny said the hair was permed first and then cut short. She then took out a perming kit. I told her I never permed hair. She just said with a smile to read the directions and try my best. I used the small curlers and applied them according the directions. I wrapped some cotton around the edge of the hair and applied the perming solution.
We waited the specified time and then I applied the second solution. I then rinsed out her hair. I said let me dry it so we can see how the curls look. Jenny said to cut her hair first. She said to start with the bangs. She told me to take my index and middle finger, put some hair between them, pull up on the hair, and place the scissors on the fingers and cut the hair. I told her that would be pretty short. She said just do it. I started with the bangs and worked my way over her whole head. The floor was covered with auburn hair. When I finished her hair was about a half inch long over, it stood up from being permed and was a combination of light brown and auburn. Jenny said she didn’t like the color and took out a box of Jet Black permanent hair color. She gave it to me and asked me what I thought. I said let’s do it.
I mixed the color and applied it to her hair. We waited 25 minutes and then we took off our clothes, got into the shower and I rinsed and conditioned her hair. I dried her hair which didn’t take very long since it was short. Jenny looked in the mirror and said she really liked it and might keep this style and color for a while. I hated it and thought it made her look like a punk rocker. I said, now I am ready for you to shave your head….
Jenny liked her new hair style and color, although she did not feel comfortable going outside without her auburn wig on. Her friends at college didn’t realize it was a wig since it was so similar to her hair before she cut it this last time. Some asked if she had gotten her hair cut. I didn’t like her short black hair and asked her almost every day when I could shave her head. She said that after all the work I put in perming, coloring and cutting it that she wanted to keep it for a while. I thought she enjoyed that the table was now turned with me wanting her to shave her head.
About a month after I cut her hair she said she was tired of her auburn wig and asked me if I wanted to go wig shopping with her. It was quite a turn-on watching her try on different wigs. She bought a long blond, long black, medium length red, curly long brown, and a bob style light brown wig. Over the next week Jenny would greet me at the door when I came home from work. She would have a different wig and outfit on each day. A long passionate kiss was following by me taking off her clothes and then we would make love. Those wigs were such a turn on.
At the end of the week I pointed out that her roots were starting to show and asked her if she still wanted to me to shave her head. She said soon, just be patient. A few days later she said she was ready for me to shave her head. I never had thought that I’d be excited about shaving her head. I told her to sit down and I would get the scissors, razor and shaving cream. Jenny said get the razor and shaving cream but forget about the scissors. She went over to her dresser and took out electric clippers. I asked her where she got them. She said they belonged to a friend at college who shaves her head. She had several blade guards and showed me how to use the clippers. I said I would use them without a guard since I was going to shave her head. Jenny said that she has waited this long to shave her head she could wait a little longer. She put on a blade guard and told me shave only the top of head. This should leave about a 1/4 inch of hair. I turned on the clippers and Jenny became very excited. I took the clippers placed the blade at the hair line and moved them through he hair to the crown. I watched as about 3/4 of inch of black hair fell to the floor. When I finished cutting the top of her hair, Jenny went over to the mirror, ran her hands through the top of her to remove some cut hair. She was pleased and said I did a good job. Next she changed blade guards and said this one would leave about an 1/8 inch of hair. She told me to cut the sides and back. I turned on the clippers and Jenny closed her eyes and seemed so excited I thought he was going have an orgasm. I cut the sides and back. Jenny went over to the mirror… At this point I assumed Jenny was done with her hair. To my surprise she went over to her dresser and took out two bottles of hair color. She told me she wanted the longer hair on top pale blond and the sides and back jet black. I mixed the hair colors. I first applied the blond hair color to the top hair and then the black hair color to the sides and back. We waited 25 minutes and hopped into the shower. I rinsed and conditioned Jenny’s hair. Jenny toweled off and went over to the mirror. She really liked the style and the contrasting colors. I thought it looked too bizarre. Jenny liked it so much that she attended classes without her usual auburn wig. She told me she was the center of attention. I think the part that Jenny enjoyed the most was that I was now really wanting her to shave her head. She kept saying soon.
Finally after about three weeks Jenny said I could shave her head. Jenny got out the clippers and I got a razor and shaving cream. Jenny sat down in her usual chair and I turned on the clippers. She had told me not to use a blade guard. I started in the middle and ran the clippers from front to back. I first shaved from the middle over to the right side. I looked at the mirror and noticed that Jenny was half bald at this point. I thought she might want me to stop at this point so that she could have an even more bizarre hairdo. Jenny was enjoying the sensation of being clippered so much I don’t think she was even looking in the mirror at this point. I finished shaving the left side and shut off the clippers. Jenny opened her eyes ran her hand over her head said it felt nice. I then put shaving cream all over her head. She was very sexy looking with shaving cream on her head. I was about to get the razor when she said we should let the shaving cream set a bit. She then took me by the hand and led me over to the bed. She then told me to lay down and she got on top of me and rode me until I exploded inside her.
After that Jenny went back to chair I started to shave the stubble that was left. When I was finished Jenny went over to mirror and ran her hand over her smooth head. I thought she looked beautiful and told her, which surprised me since I had always admired her long hair. She got dressed and to my surprise she said that she like the look so much that she wanted to go out with out a wig. It seemed every one at the restaurant was looking at her. She looked beautiful and I didn’t care if they looked. When we got home Jenny put on the long blond wig, and said to me, by the way I have some ideas for your hair….
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