Hope’s Cut – Tigger
Hope walked toward the barbershop and clutched the $300 Mike had given her. She had thought of getting her hair cut short before, but Mike had given her an incentive now. Her curly red hair touched the middle of her back. She was 16 and Mike was 17. She walked into Bob’s Barbershop and took a seat in the waiting chairs that lined the wall. She watched as Bob finished the man in the chair. He had a nice short haircut.
“Next!” the barber said.
“You go ahead, ma’am,” a man beside her said. “I don’t mind.”
Hope rose from the seat and climbed into the big chair. She had never been in a barbershop before. This chair seemed bigger than the ones at the salon. The barber placed a white strip around her neck and then placed the white cape over her and fastened it around her neck. “What will it be?” the barber asked.
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Hope couldn’t remember what cut she was supposed to get for the money Mike had given her. There was a board listing different cuts on the wall. Oh yes, that’s the one. “Give me a ‘high and tight’, please.”
The barber was stunned. “Sure?”
“Yes, do it,” she said. She wondered what this cut was exactly. The barber placed a #2 guard on the clippers. Hope felt a hand grab her head and then push it down until her chin touched her chest. She wondered what would happen next with her hair draped over her head and face.
“Keep your head down.” BZZzzzz…. The sound startled Hope. Oh no! She felt the clippers touch her neck. Up they went. Red hair cascaded to the floor and then into her lap as the clippers made their way up and over her head. Over and over again. The cape was now covered in red. and Hope’s cheeks were wet with the tears that now fell on them. One last pass and the clippers stopped.
He raised her head up. “Hold still.” BZZZzzzzzz.. With a comb and clippers without a guard, he leveled off the top. Then he pushed her head down again. Shorter? she thought. She felt the cold blades at her neck. Up they went to the top and then another stroke. Only stubble remained after each pass. The strokes continued on the sides, adding more red clippings to the carpet of red that covered her lap. The clippers stopped again.
“Finished?” she asked in a weak voice.
“Almost.” The barber applied shaving cream to the sides and back and began scraping with the razor. For the first time, Hope realized that she was enjoying this adventure.
“All done!” The barber said as he turned her to see the mirror.
“I think the top should be much shorter.” BZzzzzz….
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