Jocks – Kelli21257
DeB: Okay…we’re all drinking beer…a little drunk, not very…Someone proposes strip poker.
KELLI21257: I laugh at the idea…”You bums would love that……but I am the only girl here.”
DeB: “So what? That’s okay by us.”
DeB: “Yeah! You chicken or something?”
KELLI21257: “I am not…chicken”
KELLI21257: “You just want me nude to look at …” I say with a laugh
DeB: “Of Course! Besides, the way you wiggle that cute little ass around I figure you owe us.” (Everyone laughs).
DeB: “ game, or what?”
KELLI21257: I put my hands on my hips and look seductively at all of you…”ok..fine..I’ll play..”
DeB: “All right! Yeah! Let’s GO!” We proceed to the card table and clear off the empty beer bottles.
DeB: We escort you to your chair…pull it out for you like gentlemen…very sarcastic…
KELLI21257: I smile cockily as I sit down..crossing the legs to hide what’s in my short skirt
KELLI21257: I give you a confident smile..teasing almost
DeB: “Errr…” I say..momentarily distracted…”Straight poker. What’s the first bet?”
KELLI21257: whatever you like
DeB: “Okay…first bet…I bet my…shoes.”
KELLI21257: I ante my shoes as well
DeB: And the others match us…The cards are dealt…they fold, it’s just you and me…
KELLI21257: I smile at you seductively….”You guys are already out…..just a bunch of chunky bald football dunces…” I say..rubbing it in
DeB: They start getting up angrily…I stare them back down, I’m their “ringleader”. “Don’t worry, Boys, I’ll cool Miss Sassy’s jets off for you…I raise one shirt.”
KELLI21257: “I see that…and raise you my short skirt”
DeB: “Call…I’ve got two pair. And you?”
KELLI21257: “one pair of aces”…..I frown
DeB: My colleagues cheer…I collect the shoes on the table and hold out my hand expectantly…
KELLI21257: I pull my tight shirt over my head unhappily revealing my black bra…undo my skirt turning slightly red…and then take off my shoes…I hand them to you unhappily…obviously embarrassed and irritated
DeB: We leer at your hot, tight bod…you can almost feel our stares as we ogle your ripe tits…Hoping that the next bet will free them for us…
KELLI21257: I smile sarcastically back at your stares…my long blonde hair adorning my blue eyes perfectly
KELLI21257: it is parted in the middle…very retro
DeB: “Your deal, John…” I hand the cards to my buddy…he’s a huge brute…brown hair thinning on top…
KELLI21257: I sigh..hoping I don’t have to lose any more clothing…”go ahead..have your fun staring…”
DeB: “We will”…John deals out the cards…I ante up my shoes again, and John and Frank put up their shirts…
KELLI21257: I cringe..anteing up my bra
DeB: This time I have squat…I fold…but Frank seems to have a good hand. He raises his pants…
KELLI21257: I squirm..nervously…I finally fold………
DeB: Frank collects his winnings from us with a grin…then all three of us look at you…waiting…
KELLI21257: I give you all an angry look as I reach back and unsnap my bra…….lucky I am drunk…I hand it to Frank reluctantly…I spread my arms…”I hope you like them……..” I say spitefully
DeB: We can’t say anything at first…they’re so beautiful…finally I shake myself free of their spell.”Well, Kel, shall we continue?”
KELLI21257: I smirk..”like I have a lot left……… fine…go ahead…….”
DeB: Your deal this time…you take the cards and shuffle them…deal…
KELLI21257: I deal them out with a frown…finally smiling when I see my cards…….I ante my panties of course
DeB: I bet my shirt, as does Frank…John bets his socks…
KELLI21257: I wait to see what people will do..of course I can’t raise
DeB: We call…knowing you’re almost naked…hoping to see your bush…
KELLI21257: I put down a full house
DeB: John stands up joyfully. “Four of a kind! Four of a kind!” he shouts like a maniac.
DeB: He has four eights.
KELLI21257: I groan……….
DeB: John comes over and effortlessly picks you up and stands you on the table…the three of us start pounding on it…
DeB: You begin to feel like a stripper…
KELLI21257: I whine and complain..finally giving up when I realize that my panties are forfeit no matter what…I take your hand and John’s hand and put them on the string bikini sides…and sarcastically tell you to “help yourself”
DeB: “Easy, John,” I caution as I see the gleam in his eyes…I’m afraid he’ll yank you right off the table. We gently pull the strings…your panties come loose…we’re staring, eye-level, at your luscious bush…
DeB: I get as close as I can to it…inhale deeply…relishing the sweet scent…
KELLI21257: I blush..knowing that I have no clothes now in my possession…I don’t bother to cover myself..too unsportsmanlike…..I allow you all to enjoy the view
DeB: And we do…”Well,” I say finally. “You’re completely naked now, Kelli, and I really have no interest in continuing the game in its present form. Don’t want to see these two apes naked. So unless you want to alter the stakes?”
KELLI21257: my dark blonde bush gleams..since I got slightly sweaty while playing poker…..
DeB: “So how about it…got anything else to put up?”
KELLI21257: I put up my hands…giving a wonderful view of my nude body…”does it look like I do…smart ass?” I say ..irritated that I am now nude for the rest of the afternoon at least
DeB: “Well…How’s about that dewy bush of yours? Frank here collects them.” Frank gives you an evil wink.
KELLI21257: “let me get this straight…my guys want my bush?” I run a hand through it with a pouty look
DeB: “Yep,” says Frank. “I like ’em naked…nothing to spit out. So how about it?”
KELLI21257: “ok..but it counts as a double ante” I say jumping off the table..
DeB: “Deal,” I say as we all regain our seats. You yelp in surprise as the cold metal of the chair touches your bare ass. “Frank? Do the honors.” And he deals the cards.
DeB: I try to keep my hands from shaking as I look at my cards…
KELLI21257: I am sweating more…as I look at my cards..totally nude with not even a stitch of clothing within reach
DeB: We all ante up two articles of clothing, in accordance with our agreement to you…John is down to his underwear, this hand could break him…
DeB: We all call…
KELLI21257: I have 3 kings
DeB: John and Frank look disgusted…but you watch in horror as my face breaks into a wide grin and I lay down…three aces!
KELLI21257: “oh shit…..” I say…mouth falling open….”oh come on…one more chance………….”
DeB: “John? Frank? Please adjourn to the bathroom and fetch the shaving implements.” I command. “And you, my dear…would you be so kind as to get your sweet delectible ass on the card table?”
KELLI21257: I wince…”damn…fine..” I pout as I stand and sit on the card table
DeB: Placing my hands on your inner thighs I gently ease them apart…reach over and run my fingers through your thick blonde bush…stroking it…revelling in its softness…its sweet fragrance…perfumed, but with a hint of your own musk…
KELLI21257: I wince…imagining my beautiful bush becoming part of someone’s collection…something to show their friends
DeB: My cohorts return…bearing equipment…grinning like madmen…I take a hot washcloth from John and wet your crotch…then I squirt the heated shaving cream into my palm…I smooth it all over your pubic region…the warmth suffuses you…
KELLI21257: I realize my bush is to be clipped….clipped by a bunch of football jocks…I blush….how humiliating
DeB: Rubbing…rubbing…lathering you up…
KELLI21257: I watch as I am lathered…feeling my groomed bush covered in the shaving cream..seeing the eager look in all your eyes
DeB: The straight razor appears…Frank goes first, it’s kind of his gig…he carefully scrapes away a large swath of your pussy hair…
KELLI21257: I gasp………”I gather I am to become part of your collection now?” I groan
DeB: “The star of the show, babe,” Frank says as he bends again to his task. “The cream of the crop.” And he deftly denudes another large area before handing the razor to John. You tremble as you see this huge brute of a man approach your prized twat with a razor! But he’s surprisingly gentle, almost reverent…
DeB: He slices off more of your beautiful bush..pussy hair covers the card table…He hands me the razor at last and I prepare to finish the job…
KELLI21257: I look down at my now naked twat in embarrassment…my slit now completely in view
DeB: My pre-med training comes in handy as I skilfully wield the razor…shaving your pussy bald…removing every last trace of hair until you’re utterly smooth…as naked as a little girl…
DeB: “Now, John here is a bodybuilder. He waxes his chest hair for competitions…He wants to give you the ultimate bikini wax. John?” And John approaches you with his waxing kit!
KELLI21257: I wince…”a waxing?!?”
DeB: “Yep…That way your pussy’ll remain completely hair-free for at least three weeks!” And he coats the first strip with the hot wax and approaches you…presses it firmly onto your crotch…
KELLI21257: I wince..reluctantly I lay back on my elbows with my feet on the edges..legs spread..I lay my head down and squirm some as he waxes me
DeB: Strip after strip is laid down until your entire pubic region is covered…the wax cools…then we begin ripping the strips off…your follicles come up with them…it’ll be long weeks before your bush starts growing back.
KELLI21257: I grip the table as the strips are removed…finally looking down at my naked crotch unhappily…then looking accusingly at Frank as he gathers his collection
DeB: He breaks out a Polaroid and snaps a picture of your bare pussy…then to your acute embarrassment he take a picture of your face…”For identification,” he says, off-handedly.
KELLI21257: “oh great….this afternoon can’t get any worse…..” I mutter…getting off the table finally and rubbing my hairless crotch
DeB: We smile at you…knowing how humiliated you are…knowing how much this hurts your pride…wondering how much farther we can take this… “Kelli? I say. “How’d you like a chance to get even?”
KELLI21257: “Would I assholes…I can’t believe you just shaved me..and Frank over here gets to keep my pubic hair in a collection……”
DeB: “Let’s see…we’re all college seniors, and therefore unbearably horny all the time…and since you delight so in teasing us…no, don’t deny it! You know it’s true!…If we win you have to give each of us a blowjob. And if you win…well, name your stakes.”
KELLI21257: “ha,,,well lets see…how about tattooing my name on all your cocks…….”..that can count as two antes I guess
DeB: We all wince at the thought…youch…but none of us wants to back down…”Deal,” I say finally.
DeB: We sit back down at the card table.
KELLI21257: so we both have 2 antes on the table so far…… slit is cold now…without its shag protection
DeB: I deal the hands…John folds…Frank and I share a glance before he too folds…I take two cards…
KELLI21257: I take one…smiling triumphantly..glad two people are out without some kind of raise
DeB: I call…”What have you got?”
KELLI21257: 3 aces
DeB: “Ah, shit…I only have one…” You begin to laugh in exultation. “However,” I continue. “I also have the king, queen, jack, and ten of the same suit. A royal flush!” I lay down my cards with a flourish.
KELLI21257: I flop back in my chair…….”shit …unfair….double or nothing?!?!? come on…I dont want to suck cock…please……..”
DeB: “Sorry, Babe…it’s time for the pause that refreshes! Gentlemen? To the couch!” And we rise as one and nearly stampede to the couch in front of the TV set…the game is on but the sound is really low, barely audible. I take you by the hand and escort you over.
KELLI21257: I pout as I reluctantly allow myself to be led to the couch
DeB: We unzip our pants and pull them down, followed by our underwear, freeing our cocks…they’re already nearly erect in anticipation…we sit down and look at you expectantly.
KELLI21257: I crawl across the couch and lay across all of you with my head in your lap as I begin the chore of sucking your head enters your lap and my mouth takes in your cock and begins sucking and licking your shaft
DeB: My dick responds…I reach down and stroke your long blonde hair, enjoying its softness…parted in the middle, swinging gently back and forth as your head moves up and down my shaft…your mouth stretching wide as I thicken…
KELLI21257: I continue to suck you off…nude body in full view as I lean over you……sucking you hard
DeB: Your lips and tongue feel magnificent on my rod…I’m nearing the edge…I can feel the come begin to build…busting free…your hair brushes my thighs with increasing vigor as your rhythm quickens…finally I can hold out no longer. I spurt my hot jism down your frantically gulping throat…
KELLI21257: I sit up as I gulp it down…wiping my dripping mouth with my hand with a sour look on my face
DeB: I lie back, spent…a satisfied smirk on my face…John looks at us with an anticipation so keen it’s almost comical…like the next kid in line at the ice-cream truck…
KELLI21257: I sigh as I catch my breath and go to work on John’s cock
DeB: He groans with relief as his cock head slips into your warm, perfect mouth…he’s unusually well-endowed…you wonder if you can take him all…
KELLI21257: I lick him …fondle his balls…I hate cock worshipping like this….but a bet is a bet….I continue to give his cock attention
DeB: He barely even notices you’re there…totally lost in the overwhelmingly great sensations at his crotch…enjoying the stimulation in an animal-like fashion…you’re just an object to him…a cock-sucking machine…the Kelli Orgasm Inducer…
KELLI21257: I feel him coming
DeB: With a ferocious shout he explodes in your mouth…huge quantities of his come fill you…
KELLI21257: I attempt to swallow it all..but turn out choking..most of it is spilling down my chin as I sit up…already exhausted.
DeB: John flops back, eyes closed…spent dick still twitching…come coating his upper legs…
KELLI21257: I look over at Frank….rubbing the come off my chin with my arm…….crawling over to him
DeB: You kneel before him…your mouth opens to its task…he places a hand on your forehead. “Wait a minute, Kel…How’d you like another shot at tattooing my cock?”
KELLI21257: I look up…”damn right I would..”
DeB: “Well, then, I propose another wager. I have lots of pussy hair in my collection, but what I’ve really always wanted was to shave a beautiful woman’s head. Call it a quirk. I see you strutting around campus, tossing that thick blonde mane around like you own the world…I’d really like to take it from you. What do you say? If you win, no blowjob AND you get to tattoo my dick. If you lose, I get sucked and I get to shear that silken mass of blondeness. What do you say?”
KELLI21257: I grab my hair…wideeyed…”umm…I’m not sure…..” some of my hair touches Frank’s cock…I feel him fondling it
DeB: “Mmmmm…” Frank says, the errant lock tickling his inner thigh…”Hair does grow back, you know…But if you’re chicken I could always just take the cocksucking now…”
KELLI21257: I look down at his cock…”’re on…”
DeB: “All right…The football game is just now going into overtime…I pick UCLA. If UCLA wins, so do I. Deal?”
KELLI21257: deal
DeB: The coin is flipped…USC wins the toss! You exult…they’ll get the ball first. UCLA kicks off…USC returns it to the 33-yard line. Handoff to the halfback…he fumbles! UCLA recovers!
DeB: The coach decides not to waste any time…he sends in the field goal unit…the kick is up…it’s good! UCLA wins!
DeB: Frank reaches over and begins stroking your hair…HIS hair now, actually…it belongs to him, he’s won it…you feel its soft length down your back…
KELLI21257: I just stare at the screen in disbelief…barely feeling him touching his newly-won property
DeB: “But first you have a job to do,” Frank reminds you. “I have something that requires your immediate attention.” Frank’s cock has never been harder. The prospect of shaving you bald has worked him into a frenzy. He places his hand on the back of your head and pulls your face toward his crotch…
KELLI21257: I begin sucking his cock in shock, in disbelief that I have now lost my hair in a bet as well as everything else
DeB: He’s playing with your hair as you suck him…like the rest of us he, too, comes in your mouth…then I hand him a hairbrush and a pony-tail holder I’ve retrieved from your purse…I watch in awe as he brushes your mane…fixes it in a tight pony-tail at the top of your head…
DeB: John hands Frank some heavy-duty shears and he begins chopping through the pony-tail! The scissors make a loud scrunching noise as they perform their odious task…you feel the pulling on your scalp as your long, soft blonde hair comes free…
KELLI21257: I sob slightly….”I hope you’re happy..” I say feeling the jagged remains…..I think you are done
KELLI21257: I still lay naked…sobbing slightly from the destruction of my hairstyle
DeB: Frank strokes the lovely shining hair…looks down at your tear-streaked face…reaches down and tousles your cropped blonde head. “Not done yet, Sugar Plum…You still have LOTS of hair left. Can’t have that…
KELLI21257: “What?!?!? you are going to cut it even shorter?!?” I say in horror and with a begging note to my voice
DeB: “Of course! I won the bet! ALL your hair is mine, not just this pony-tail! John, please bring me my clippers.”
KELLI21257: “Clippers?!? noo..please Frank……come on” I whine and beg
DeB: Frank’s only answer to you is to draw you up to your knees and stroke your remaining hair…he leans over, closes his eyes, and inhales deeply…savoring the smell of your shampoo…excited by the fact that shampoo will not be part of your life for a very long time…
KELLI21257: I wince…and watch him savor the moment in shock….all of the guys are enjoying this
DeB: John returns with the clippers, plugs them in, and hands them to Frank…he snaps them on…they buzz menacingly…
KELLI21257: I recoil…then give Frank the most seductive look I can..”I will fuck you if you don’t…please……….”
DeB: Frank smiles benignly down at you…makes no reply to your offer…John and I watch avidly as he tilts your head back with his left hand…your eyes lock onto each other’s…tears stream down your face…he raises the clippers…
DeB: And mows a path down the center of your head where the part used to be! Tufts of your short blonde hair waft down as your scalp is revealed…nothing left in the clippers’ path but the shortest stubble. Frank rubs the clippered area lovingly, then raises the clippers again…
DeB: The BUZZZZ of the clippers deepens as they chew into your remaining hair…dark blonde down falls gently onto your breasts as he runs the clippers again and again over your rapidly-appearing scalp…
KELLI21257: I sob…denuded of my hair…
DeB: The clippers make short work of your shining hair…till all that remains is the shortest stubble…
KELLI21257: my beautiful hair…taken from me…
DeB: I rub your bristly pate…”Look on the bright side, Kelli…you were used to being treated like a queen because of your beauty…maybe now you’ll be a better person…John returns with the waxing kit.
KELLI21257: “oh…god….no…not the wax…please…” I whimper, realizing that I’ll be bald for weeks if it’s used…
DeB: We pay no attention to you as we lay the wax-coated strips across your head…layering them thickly…making sure to cover every inch of your scalp…
KELLI21257: I squirm in discomfort as the hot wax touches my nearly-naked scalp…
DeB: The wax cools…and hardens…trying to cause you as little pain as possible we begin yanking the cloth strips from your head…ripping out the follicles…rendering you completely, absolutely bald…
KELLI21257: I sob…knowing I’m being made hairless…an ex-blonde…my crowning glory gone…stolen from me by three football jocks…sooo humiliating…kneeling before you…bald…
DeB: Your now-naked head gleams in the sunlight that streams through our windows…
KELLI21257 “B-bald,”…I murmur…”It’s going to take so long to grow back…two years…maybe three…”
DeB: Frank whispers in my ear…I nod, then per his instructions I go to the phone…
DeB: “Grow back? What do you mean? I own your hair now! There was no time limit on my ownership! I like you like this! I think it’s important that you continue to look like this! That’s why we’re making an appointment for you now, for a complete electrolysis treatment!
DeB: I return from the phone. “We’re in luck…they just had a cancellation…they can take her right now! I’ll go get the car.”
DeB: Frank turns to you. “Okay! Great! In about four hours you’ll be permanently bald, top…” He stares briefly at your pussy,”…and bottom!”
KELLI21257: “oh my god….. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” I scream..feeling my head in denial..wanting to wake up from this nightmare and be a blonde again
KELLI21257: I cry in denial
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