The British Long Hair Awards
Dorothy stood on the stage and showed her long hair to the world. In her mind she thought back to the magazine article that she had read only 2 weeks ago…….
She was at Waterloo railway station and she was going to attend a course in Financial Management, and wanted something to read whilst on the train. She had a look in the newspaper shop, and found a new edition of ‘Hair’ magazine and a copy of ‘The Times’ newspaper. ‘Hair’ magazine was one of her regular purchases, she liked to see new ways of wearing her long, dark brown hair, which reached halfway between her knees and bottom. It was her most favorite part of her. Her boyfriend Peter used to enjoy playing with it and wrapping it around himself. Dorothy also liked this, because she was able to hold Peter prisoner, and keep him away from any predatory females.
When on the train she started to read her magazine. All the usual features were there. One section of makeovers, were four ladies having their hair cut short (apparently the latest fad) and one on a new competition. Its title was ‘The British Long Hair Awards’. She read on, and it was a competition to find who has the best and longest long hair in Britain. She glanced at her hair which she was sitting on, and thought, ‘This competition must be for me!’ She thought of all the times she had been complimented on her hair, and on several negotiations, she felt that it had won her contracts, the male opponents had been so captivated by her hair that they said ‘yes’ almost immediately. By the end of the day she had completed the entry form and posted it.
A month later, she received an invitation to enter the competition which was being held at one of the top London hotels. The invitation also allowed one other person to go with her, she had to ask her boyfriend Peter. Of course he had said “yes” almost immediately. He loved Dorothy’s long hair and was pleased to be invited.
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The day of the competition arrived, at the door to the event the tickets were accepted and she was asked to sign an acceptance form of terms and conditions for the competition. She signed it and they both walked into the hall. It was quite a sight, for all they could see were ladies of all ages with long hair, some had shorter hair than Dorothy, others had hair which reached the floor. Peter was struck dumb by the view, “I didn’t know long hair was so popular,” he said.
It was not long before the competition began. Dorothy was called to go onto the stage, she let go of Peter’s hand and went forward. She spoke to the editor of the magazine, who was acting as the compere. He asked her about her hair care routine and how she usually styled it.
……Well, that was how she got here, it had all happened so quickly. As she left the stage she got a round of applause. She felt very proud. She returned to Peter’s side and saw lots of other women with long hair get onto the stage in turn. When the last of the contestants had been on, the compere announced a brief recess, whilst the judges decided who was the winner. Both Dorothy and Peter had enjoyed the show, they were not really thinking about who had won the competition, but Dorothy remembered a French lady called Lorrelli who had very thick blonde hair which reached her ankles, she thought that this was the best hair she had ever seen and that she would surely win.
The waiting was now over. The third place went to Anne from Bristol: she had curly, red, waist length hair and she got onto the stage smiling broadly. The prize was a weekend in Paris. The second prize was Dorothy from Surrey. Yes, she had heard her name, she was overjoyed and went onto the stage, her prize was a week in Italy. She felt very happy and she could see in the in the crowd, that Peter was excited too. The first prize went to Lorrelli, the French lady with the breath-taking blonde mane. She got onto the stage and her prize was 2 weeks in Barbados. The compere then mentioned the additional prize of the photo shoot for the magazine. He then mentioned the conditions for the photo shoot. They all had to have their hair cut short. Dorothy thought she had misheard him: she looked worriedly at Lorrelli and Anne. By now they too were worried. The compere then mentioned how much money they had been promised when their hair had been cut off, nearly £50,000.
“Money or not, I am never cutting my hair,” said Dorothy. Lorrelli and Anne quickly agreed, and complained to the compere immediately.
The compere began to smile, and said “You didn’t read the terms and conditions, did you?” The three of them looked at each other, they all said no, they had been too excited and busy. The compere said, “Section 9, paragraph 6(b), the hair of all the prize winners will be deemed to be the property of KS Publishing Ltd., who will do to it whatever they see fit.” The compere’s smile broadened, “and Section 6(c) says, that the prize winners will agree to cut off each others hair for a video production and photo shoot.”
All three were horrified. The compere waved in front of them the terms and conditions sheets which they had all signed. The compere produced three pairs of 9 inch scissors and three brushes. He told the three ladies to get themselves into line and to brush their hair and put it into ponytails. They all did as they had been told, they knew that they were legally bound by their contracts.
Lorrelli’s hair was in a high ponytail and hung just bellow her knees, and Dorothy had one below her bottom. Anne had a curly mass which was above her waist but was extremely thick and curly. Dorothy felt nervous, but then she remembered the makeover article in that hair magazine she had read on the train. She had thought at the time that each girl looked better with short hair and being honest with herself, felt jealous of the four ladies who had had their very long hair cut off. She thought of the time saved in washing and styling their hair. Now, although she would not have willingly chosen to cut her hair, she could see that there would be many advantages with short hair.
The scissors were given to her and the compere said it was time cut off Lorelli’s ponytail. “Cut it as close to the band as you can.”
She placed the blades around the hair which was about 1″ in diameter. Dorothy closed the scissors, schick. For what seemed like forever, the long mass of hair hung on Lorrelli’s shoulders, then inevitably, it slipped slowly to the floor. Lorrelli reached up to the band at her crown and holding what hair she had left, she took the band off and the hair fell into something like a chin length bob, with cropped bits at her crown. She shook her head from side to side and felt the bits touch her cheek, she smiled, and took the scissors from Dorothy.
“My turn!” said Dorothy. “Cut my hair off now.” From the smile on Lorrelli’s face, you could see that she did not need to be told twice. She took hold of the thick shiny ponytail and cut it off on the head side of the band. The remainder flopped in front of Dorothy’s eyes and around her face. Lorrelli used the scissors to cut these bits off close to Dorothy’s hairline. She reached up to her hair and fingered it. “This feels good,” she thought.
Next it was Annes’s turn. The compere produced two pairs of clippers, which were plugged in and ready to go. Lorrelli and Dorothy took one each and got to work on Anne, whose curly mass did not stand a chance. Her waist length curly red hair soon began falling to the floor, revealing a very pretty headshape. Before long Lorrelli and Dorothy had given into the clippers, and all three girls had No.2 clipper cuts all over. They all looked very different to when they had got onto the stage. What is more they were all smiling and thanked the compere for the chance to be freed from their long hair. The compere said since they had all been so good, they could all go on the 2 weeks Barbados holiday, for them and their partners.
Dorothy had just remembered that Peter was in the audience! “What will he think of my hair?” She ran down off the stage to find him. When she found him, he too was smiling.
“Let me touch your hair”, he said. His hand felt the 1/4 inch lengths which now replaced the previous 43 inch locks. He embraced her and said, “You look wonderful, when you need trimming, can I do it?”
She giggled and said, “You can shave me smooth if you like!”
“I might just do that,” and they kissed passionately.
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