It was my annual April fool’s day prank on my lovely blonde wife, Barbie. But I didn’t think she would ever go along with it. This is my story of that wonderful day that changed both our lives for the better.
I watched from my hiding place as my lovely blonde wife came into our bedroom with the gimmicked Variety newspaper a friend of mine had made for me, with the headline, “Top Hollywood models are going ‘topless’. Bald is in for starlets”. The front of the paper had two doctored photos. A before picture showing the “starlet” with long auburn hair, while the after showed her head shaven. While she read the fake article, she began to rub her massive breasts and then her pussy. I could see she was getting horny over the article by these actions.
After reading that Barbie walked into her dressing room and positioned the paper in front of the mirror on the mirrored vanity. She then started getting comfortable by peeling off the sheer black peignoir from her voluptuous body. Once it was off, she hung it across the back of the chair. Not stopping there she reached to the front of her black custom-made bra and unhooked it. Barbie’s massive 69 HH tits leapt free of the confinements of her heavy support bra. The over the shoulder boulder holder was dropped to the floor. All she was wearing now was her black garter belt and silk stockings.
Barbie massaged her massive melons as she seated herself in front of the vanity. Her pink nipples grew hard as she put her titanic tits on the cool mirrored surface of the vanity. She was ready to begin. Taking one last look at her gorgeous blonde hair, she picked up the clippers and with a flick of a switch they buzzed to life.
To my surprise, Barbie placed the clippers on the left side of her head and pushed them slowly from the front to the back of her head. Shorn strands fell to the floor, on the vanity top, and on her shoulders and her magnificent melons. The process was then repeated on the right side of her head. By this time she had a variation of a Mohawk, her long blonde ponytail making the style look even more bizarre.
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I couldn’t control myself, my cock got hard as my wife started using the clippers on her lovely blonde locks. I had always fantasised about watching a woman shaving her head smooth but I didn’t think it would ever be my wife. After all it was only a prank. As the clippers made pass after pass on Barbie head, I stroked my dick in excitement. Soon both sides of the Mohawk strip were shorn down to a very fine stubble, her pale scalp shone through in spots on her clipped pate.
Turning the clippers off, Barbie placed them on the vanity and picked up a pair of scissors. Looking in the mirror, she began to snip away her ponytail. The cut was close to the diamond studded hair brat I had given to her as a gift the night before my prank. Once the tail was snipped completely off it was tossed to the floor to join the rest of her hair, and the brat was removed and put on the vanity. She was ready to use the clippers again on what remained of her once beautiful blonde hair.
The buzzing clippers moved to the front of the strip of blonde hair that still graced her head. She pushed the clippers up to the crown of her head and stopped. Using her left hand she pulled clipped strands from her head and continued her work with the clippers. The shearing blades moved farther and farther, back on her head, stripping away what little blonde hair Barbie had left, stopping every so often to pull the shorn curls off and drop them to the floor. When her head was covered with very fine blonde stubble, she put away the clippers.
While looking in the mirror she caressed the stubble on her head and smiled. “This will never do, I will have to shave it all off. Then I will be really smooth and very sexy. I hope my husband likes my new do.”
It was all I could do to control myself to keep from revealing myself. It was then I got the feeling she knew I was there watching but I remained hidden.
Using a badger brush, she lathered her head up well. By now some of you may be wondering why would a woman have hair cutting and shaving tools at her vanity? That is no big secret, you see Barbie is a part-time beautician and barber. She also uses them to keep her pussy shaved and to trim my hair, what little I have left. Her foam-covered scalp was ready for the razor.
Picking up the straight razor, she started scraping the foam from her head. She cleared a two-inch space on her forehead. Using touch, she made certain the area being shaved was left smooth by the razor. Once she satisfied that it was and she continued with her task. Slowly the razor peeled the lather from her head and each time the blade was full she wiped it clean on a towel that hung on the side of the vanity.
Halfway through the shaving Barbie picked up the hair brat and dropped it to the floor. “I won’t be needing this any more. It’s a shame, I really did love having it in my beautiful long blonde hair.” Then Barbie continued her wonderful work with the blade with a huge smile on her lovely face.
I fondled my cock constantly as Barbie used the razor to strip away the stubble and the lather that covered her perfectly shaped head. I matched her stroke for stroke as the razor did its job of removing the lather and light stubble from her scalp.
Thirty-five minutes later she finished shaving her head. The razor was put down and she caressed her lovely bald head for the first time and when she touched it I shot a load of cum in the air. She didn’t stop there, Barbie picked up a small bottle of a fragrance oil. My balded beauty opened it and poured a small amount of it, with care, into her hand. She rubbed her hands together and placed them on her head.
Her hands began to rub the oil all over her completely smooth skull. “Oh this feels so good. I didn’t think it would be this exciting, being this smooth.” Soon she had her smooth scalp shining with the oil.
Barbie turned to my hiding area and motioned to me. “You can come out now, honey, you may as well enjoy my beautiful smooth head-do. Since you went through a lot of trouble for me to get it.”
I got out of hiding place in the closet and walked over to my beautiful bald wife. Barbie took my hands and placed them on her shining lockless skull, I loved the feel of her bald pate against my hand. Then she removed one of my hands from her scalp and placed on her wet pussy.
“You can’t have me until you shave me, bald, again down there,” she said as my hand massaged her sparsely covered pussy.
Taking my hands, she led me over to the barber’s chair where she sat and spread her legs over the arms of the chair. Barbie’s nearly hairless pussy was open wide for me to see, but before I started shaving it smooth like her scalp I just had to eat her out. My arms went under and over her legs while my fingers opened the lips of her mound a little wider. My tongue started licking all round her clit and finally on it. She began to moan softly as my tongue began to manipulate her clitoris. Barbie started to buck in the chair and the fingers of her right hand snaked their way to her clit. She massaged her clit while I licked on it soon the moans had change to screams of pleasure while at the same time begging me to quit. Which, I did as I made her climax.
With that done I could now shave her pussy smooth as her head. Taking the beard trimmers from the vanity I switched them on. Barbie began to moan again as the cutting blades of the trimmer removed the sparse blonde hair from her snatch. I knew this would happen: that is why I ate her first to exhaust her. In no time at all, I had her trimmed down to almost nothing. Using the brush I applied a light coat of lather on her perfect pussy, it was ready to be shaved.
Not trusting myself with the straight razor, I opted to use the Trac II to remove the lather and stubble from my bald Barbie’s pussy. Carefully I pulled the razor across her mound, her low moans were slowly becoming louder with each careful stroke of the blade. The increasing volume of her moan was my signal that she was about to come again and I should hurry but I couldn’t and wouldn’t. I wanted her snatch smooth and unscarred with nicks from the razor. Barbie bit her lower lip to contain her ecstasy, as the keen edge stripped the stubble and white foam from her pussy. She couldn’t control the waves of pleasures I was causing as the Trac II removed her private fur. Barbie screamed as the last bladeful of lather was removed from her perfectly peeled pussy: now she was smooth both top and bottom.
“How do you like my new look?” Barbie asked as her hands glided over both her hairless head and pussy.
“Like your new look, hell no, it is better than that, I absolutely love it. You are perfect now with your big boobs and bald head. I’m almost sorry it had to take an April Fools Day joke to get you to shave away your beautiful blonde hair but it was worth it.”
“I have a little surprise for you,” she said as I watched my bald-headed Barbie doll get out of the chair. She walked out of her dressing room and returned with blonde hair gracing her head and carrying a wig stand. “I knew about your little joke thanks to your friend’s girlfriend – she told me all about it a couple of weeks ago. So I bought this wig to cover my upcoming head shaving.” The wig matched her own hair color and length. Barbie bent down and retrieved the diamond hair brat from the floor that was covered with her blonde hair. “I guess I can still use this with the wig,” she said as she made a ponytail with part of the wig’s blonde curls and put it on the blonde ponytail. “Now it is time to reward you.”
She didn’t have to tell me twice and since she had shaved her head for me I was happy to let her chose her favorite sex position, the woman on top. Barbie wouldn’t have any other way when she was this sexually aroused. My dick had been semi-erect since the minute I started eating her out in the chair and during the shaving of her sex.
“This will never do,” said my lovely lockless lover looking at my almost limp cock. Barbie lowered her head down and began to lick my hairy ball and I felt her tongue go up my staff making it even harder. Her talented tongue traveled around the head of my steel hard penis. I was careful not to touch her hair while she was giving me a blowjob. “Now you are ready and perfect.”
With my penis in her hand, Barbie slowly inserted it into her warm moist hairless pussy. I felt her juices flow down my shaft to lubricate the fucking I was about to receive. Slowly she began to move up and down my nine-inch cock but her movement began to increase in speed. Ten minutes later she started bouncing harder and faster to bring us to a point of mutual climax. As we both reached climaxes, Barbie whipped the blonde wig from her bald dome with her left hand and flung it to the bedroom floor.
“It’s going to be a while before I regrow my beautiful blonde hair. I hope you can deal with having a baldy for a wife.” She got up, picked the wig up and put it on the stand.
That was a year ago and Barbie hasn’t even started growing back her beautiful blonde hair. She has been shaving her head every day since that first time. No, one knows she is bald yet, but I can’t wait until April Fools Day when she convinces a friend of hers to go bald too.
The End? Not a Chance
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