My Day At Court by Faro
I awoke early with anticipation. My mind was racing with ideas and plans concerning the day ahead. I had to be at the office early today. I am a lawyer and today, I had to defend a client in court, with proceedings scheduled to begin at 11.00 a.m.
I hurriedly showered and shaved, dressed and checked myself in the mirror. My hair seemed messy and unruly, but, what the heck – no time in my life. It would have to do.
There was still a little preparation I had to ensure was completed and I had to collect my court robes from the office.
The spring air was fresh as I made my way downtown. We had endured a chilly winter, but now the feeling was one of pure exhilaration.
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I soon arrived at my office and began with my tasks so I could clear my mind for the issues which lay ahead. My secretary, Dawn, entered my office and welcomed me with a cheery greeting, however, she stayed in the doorway and looked at me quizzically. I was feeling a little tense as I still had a little work to do. I was thinking, “Oh – what does she want? I’ve really got to do this!” Dawn said, “I know how you have set your heart on winning this defence, but don’t you think you have neglected your appearance somewhat? Your hair is so untidy and messy. I think you will find a bias against you this morning Sir.” I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. “What can I do about it then? I have just had no time at all. I am always so busy.” Dawn said, “Don’t worry about it. I will be back soon.”
I basically paid little attention as I again immersed myself into my thoughts. About 15 minutes later, Dawn returned with a shopping bag containing a cardboard box. She said, “I would like to cut your hair and tidy your appearance because I cannot let you be disappointed in court today.” I was completely astounded by her statement and I seemed to sink into a trance immediately. She opened the box and produced a pair of clippers, complete with a range of guards, a pair of scissors, a comb and a cape. I was motioned over to a chair which she had placed in front of my office window. “Sit here,” she said, “and enjoy the view.” I was completely mesmerised and did as she said. She threw the cape around me and tied it around my neck. She arranged the guards and plugged in the clippers, fitting on the half-inch guard.
She combed my hair and then pushed my head forward, placing the clippers at the centre of my nape. She switched them on and immediately pushed up with them – right up – I mean right up and over the top of my head, finishing at my forehead. Under the cape, I was a curious mixture of excitement, torment and fear, all tangled up together. “What is she really doing?” I was thinking. “Am I going to look like a goose?” I was enjoying the absolute thrill of the feelings running inside me and this sensation was counteracting any fear. I felt myself become aroused as she began to take another slice from my hair. Her free hand was holding my head. This was becoming agony for me as decorum and formality go hand in hand in my profession. I could see that I was going to have difficulty here.
The clippers were rattling on my head and my thoughts were becoming scattered and haphazard. My skin became tight! Was my rational thinking being blown away? The cataclysmic swing of my feelings was overbearing. I was frightened and thrilled. It might be easier to die. My body was in distress. I tried to focus but all I could feel was the sensuous vibration of the clippers as they pushed their way. I could see great rolls of hair tumble down the cape past my sights and onto the floor. Help! “How much is coming off?” I thought to myself. “What’s left on my head?” More and more hair was falling, some of which stopped on my lap. Anxiety, alarm, terror and panic were surfacing now, but were soon neutralised by the sensory emotions lurking within. She worked her way completely around my head before she put the clippers down. I promptly slid my hand out to feel. My palm felt some hair on top but not much – perhaps half an inch. My goodness – no wonder I saw so much hair fall down the cape.
I was not sure if I was even comfortable with the little hair I had left when I observed Dawn change the guard for a smaller one and snap the clippers on once more. My gut quaked!
She pushed my head forward once more and began clippering my nape. I sat in silence and I slumped back into my feelings of helplessness as I closed my eyes to enjoy my pain. I could hear the chatter of the clippers and feel the torture within. She then pushed my head to one side so she could blend the side with the top and then did the same with the other side.
The noise stopped suddenly and I was jerked to reality once more. I saw Dawn then remove the guard altogether. Heck – what was she going to do now?
I soon found out as I felt her cradle my head slightly and she placed the clippers on my right cheek. I was startled as she snapped on her machine once more and proceeded to shave off my sideburn and tidy up the stray hairs. She then went to my left side and did the same.
My cock was rock hard and I was caught unawares as Dawn flicked the cape off me. I was not sure if she was noticing, because, throughout the whole procedure, not a word had been spoken. I stood up with difficulty and only then did I observe the great mound of hair on the floor. So much hair – what a pile! I knew my hair was long – but such a lot was on the floor.
I thanked her with any dignity that I could muster – not sure of what I was even saying. This was madness! How could I even be feeling this way?
I went down the hall to the men’s room and observed this new person in the mirror. I removed my shirt to shake it out and then ran the cold water over my head. What a shock I felt on my scalp – just like I had been electrocuted! The cold water seemed like it was extinguishing a fire. I towelled my head dry, put my shirt back on and just looked at myself. I was pretty pleased with the outcome.
It was half an inch on the top with barely three-eighths elsewhere. This was a new me emerging. I had never had it like this.
I went back to my office to find Dawn still tidying the mess up. She went into the adjoining archive room, the door of which is just next to where I had been sitting in front of the window. I followed her and asked her how she managed to be able to cut hair so well. She said that she often buzzed her boyfriend’s hair and found it was a great arousal for her. She knew that she could help me out of my difficulty with long hair this morning so that was why she went ahead. “Difficulty?” I was thinking. Now I was having a more pressing problem. Here I was thanking my secretary, and I was standing close to her with a rock hard cock, being told that cutting hair turns her on!
“So – cutting hair turns you on eh?” I said to her. “Me too,” I was thinking to myself. I kissed her and thanked her. My fingers by this stage were running through her thick hair. I found myself fantasising about her as I admired her curly brown hair which just sat on her shoulders. I was thinking about what she would really be like without this mane. She had already told me of her excitement about hair and now I shouldn’t miss this chance which was just happening in front of my very eyes.
I spotted the clippers lying on top of the bookcase at the side of the doorway, still plugged in but she had already placed a small guard on them in her efforts to finish tidying up. I took them up in my hand and snapped them on with a CRA-A-AK, enough to snap my brain out of its fog, fracturing my thinking once more. Wasn’t it fortunate for me that there was a table just behind her? Her hands were then holding my shoulders. I could not help myself when I felt her responses to me. She was half sitting on the table by this time. I gently pushed the clippers into her hair, right at the temple. She seemed to be in as much of a trance as I was. I watched a bulky lump of hair majestically tumble in slow motion down to the floor. “Oh! What are you doing?” she asked. I could see that she was not resisting much. “I’m just repaying the gesture in kind, my dear.”
Dawn began to tell me that she could not possibly have her hair buzzed, but it was a little too late as a prime portion of her locks was already missing – right above her left eye too. I sensed her discomfort but within moments, this changed to excitement as she realised that there could be no turning back now. I could see her eyes flicker as she thought this through. “Why have half a haircut?” she reasoned. She no longer complained.
I began to push the clippers into her hair once more whilst I held her close to me. I watched the machine shear in a line alongside the first cut. The hair rolled up and over the hungry teeth and then up to my fingers before it teetered over my hand, then on to the floor. I stopped for a moment to take a breath. I couldn’t believe that I was really doing this. I looked at her face and immediately noticed how her features were now so much clearer and more noticeable. This was only the beginning! I moved the blades up her sideburn and around her left ear. Once again, I was mesmerised by the bushy hair just dropping like tumbleweeds all the way to the floor. Her excitement was intense as I saw her lips part and gasp.
She leaned on my shoulder as I wielded the machine which provided us both with such delight. I then had the opportunity to cradle her head as I reached over to buzz her nape. As I placed the clippers against her nape so that I could clear the hair from there, I was aware of Dawn’s breathing – so deep and intense. I pulled the clippers up towards me and again, a great swathe of hair fell. I followed this with another. The softness of the severed curls as they brushed the back of my hand renewed my feelings and desires. I felt that she was like putty in my hands – just collapsing under my control. I guess it’s the sound of the buzzing mesmerising her. I continued shearing and boy – my cock was really getting a hard time!
I pruned her nape completely and then moved the clippers up around the back of her right ear. I was getting tangled up in so much hair. I noticed that Dawn’s breathing was now shallow – just like she was panting. I had to readjust my position so that I could get to the rest of her head. I put my left hand on her nape so that I could place the clippers at her forehead. My hand felt the stubble that I had just created, thus exacerbating my feelings of pain which was now mingling with a controlled excitement.
Wow – her eyes!! They were no longer hidden under those bangs. They were bigger than I had ever noticed before. She looked away from my gaze. I was feeling a slight embarrassment about what I was doing. Everything was so spontaneous. Dawn was so willing and here I was instinctively pruning away, reading her desires as if by telepathy. Nothing was planned or forced. I pushed the clippers into the lush growth and saw another tuft rise up over my hand. The feeling was becoming intense as I felt those severed locks brush over my hand. I continued to shear down her right temple and down to her sideburn. I tidied up the last of the growth, neatly pushing up and around her ear.
I dropped the clippers and ran my lips over the 1/4-inch stubble which remained. Ohhh the excitement I was feeling was surely matching hers! I felt my hand run up her leg to her panties. I pulled her close to me as my hand slid into the back of her panties and pulled them down. She did not resist me. Her pussy was dripping. I was kissing her deeply, with our tongues probing each other. I quickly unzipped my trousers and let them fall to the floor, together with my briefs.
We collapsed onto the floor. She looked beautiful, like an island in a sea of severed hair. There was such a big mess of hair – hair which not long before had been on each of our heads!
My hard cock found its way home between her legs. Her accepting pussy was warm and wonderful. No condom either – it was all just so natural. I thrust my way inside her and she wrapped her legs around the back of mine. Oh – the sheer ecstasy and the outpouring of my emotions was overwhelming. I felt Dawn was experiencing exactly the same as I was. My balls were tight and I felt so good. Never before have I been knocked out by a haircut like this time. I continued forcing into her until I felt her begin to climax. She held me tightly then I felt my balls loosen and my load sped into its destination. I held her close to me as my eyes turned towards my brain. Oh! What a feeling!
Now I was ready for the courtroom! And guess what? I won the defence! I skipped and whistled my way back to the office feeling as light as a feather and happy to be alive.
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