A Fantasy COMES true…
A fantasy was about to come true, The two ladies were to arrive in minutes. I walked around the living room in my house coat. When the door bell rang, I answered the door. They were standing there. The one lady had long blonde hair, that hung to just above her waist. She had on a mini dress and showed lots of chest. The other women had short black hair, with a little braid down the back of her neck. It reached mid length between her shoulder blades. She had on black spandex pants, and a kind of muscle shirt. They were lesbians all right. But I could hardly wait to get it on with them. The asked for payment up front, and told me the magic word to stop the game. They carried there sports bag into the bedroom and had me strip. I laid on the bed, in the nude, semi hard. The one with the braid said to the other one to look at the dildo. Candy the one with the long hair said I’ll show you a dildo, and she reached into her bag and pulled out a strap on dildo, that would scare a donkey. I asked them what they intended to do with that. They said its for there pleasure. Bobbi had me get off the bed and get onto my knees. She walked up to me and told me to remove her spandex pants. I eagerly removed them, and was staring Bobbies pussy right in the face. It was shaved clean of hair, and smelled of Candy (if you know what I mean) I put my face close and I felt Bobbi grab me by the hair. She said she needed a big dildo. My face was pulled deep into her pussy. I couldn’t move my head, and it was hard to breath. I heard a loud humming, and felt what I figured where clippers in the back of my head. They were shaving my head. I tried to yell, but not being able to say the magic word, they continued to buzz me bald. Bobbi said she wanted a dildo, and my shaved head started to look like one. My hair fell to my shoulders and I could feel the breeze as Candy removed my hair. In five minutes they let me up. I started to protest, as my hands went to my buzzed head. The feel of satin was all I could think of. I liked the feeling, and the girls told me not to worry. I would get my chance. I had a hard on, as the girls laid on the bed. They went into a 69 position. With Bobbi on bottom and Candy on top. Candies hair was hanging over her head, and in her face as she pleasured Bobbi. I pulled her hair out of the way to get a better look, but it kept falling in her way. She stopped long enough to demand that I get her hair clear of her eyes. I looked around for an elastic and only saw the electric clippers. I reached for them and turned them on. I heard Bobbi say the magic word, but no such word from Candy, so I quickly placed the clippers into her long blonde hair. With my free hand I kept stroking my prick. I removed the hair on the top of her head and all the hair hanging down in front of her head. She was bald on top and the front of her head. The only hair left was the hair in the back and sides of her head. After about 10 minutes of them pleasing themselves. The stood and had me lay on my back. Bobbi mounted me with her back to my face. She leaned her head back till that damn braid hung onto my chest. I told Candy to get the clippers and remove that braid. Then Bobbi yelled the magic word again and I new I would never get that braid. Bobbi dismounted me and turned so that her bum was in the air. She leaned forward and took me into her mouth. With her bum in the air, Candy came from behind and placed the long dildo into her warm pussy. Bobbi started to suck my cock and I reached for her head. Candy then grabbed Bobbies braid and pulled it up from her back. She had the clippers in her hands. I asked her to passed me the clippers. She passed the clippers and I turned them on. I slowly brought them up to her head and asked if I could go for it. Bobbi did not stop me with the magic word this time, so instead of buzzing that braid off, I pushed them into her bangs and buzzed a big hunk of hair from her head. She moaned and told me, to finish the job. Did she ever look sexy, as she sucked my cock, and I continued to shave the top of her head free of hair. Candy was busy banging Bobbi from behind. She also looked stunning. I remember coming in Bobbies mouth, as her hair fell from her head onto my stomach. The girls finished the act by 69ing each other, and as they pleased each other, I removed the rest of their hair using the clippers. I stroked myself as their hair fell from their heads. Even though I had to pay for this one, it was worth it to watch to chicks doing each other, while being bald…..
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