Tag Archives: Girl

Tammy’s Turn in the Chair

Tammy's Turn in the Chair - James Tammy and Jennifer were sisters. For years Tammy [...]

Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo - Vam "¿Quiere El Presidente," - the local beer - "señor?" "Sí, un [...]

If Only She Knew

If She Only Knew - Chi7171 John was a regular guy. He was 23 and [...]

Whole Thing

The Whole Thing Part One She walked down the jetway, and so many thoughts ran [...]


The Thief By Tucriah "The bills are piling up, I need a job, I need [...]

Monday After the Prom

Monday After the Prom by Thoth Prom Night: Five senior girls. Friends only to themselves. [...]

Lesson Well Learned

A lesson WELL learned - HeadBuzzer "Hahahaa!" stated Mark as he prepared his equipment for [...]

Blonde Bombshell Surprise

Blonde Bomb Shell Surprise by Shannon Well I did it. I went blonde today. I [...]


Clubland by HeadBoy The Place was dark and dingy, just like it was supposed to [...]

Unusual Story…n

This is an unusual but true story! It sort of mixes a true story, with [...]