Tag Archives: German

Allison’s Story

All during high school and college Allison ridiculed others who were more fashion extroverts than [...]

Lockless in Las Vegas

Lockless in Las Vegas by ManeMan and ManeLess Jack had a love/hate relationship with hair. [...]

Another Me

As I lay in bed I thought back to what Megan and I talked about [...]


We came home early from the party because my wife, Jill, wasn't feeling well. We [...]


I would like to tell you a true story about my recent college days. My [...]


Trapped - Chi4242 We were all having a great time sitting around the table and [...]

Question of Detachment

A Question Of Detachment? It had been there, deep inside me for as long as [...]

Accident in Holloywood

I was driving my BMW when I noticed a slow down on the freeway. 'Damn,' [...]


KAREN - Billd The two women entered Barbara's apartment for what Karen hoped would be [...]

Across from Roberto’s Taco Stand

It was a summer day in Santee. A hot, dreadful summer day, like all July [...]