Category Archives: Forced Haircuts

Judge’s Verdict

This is a story involving female haircutting if that doesn't interest you please pass on [...]

Milestone Summer

A Milestone Summer by Suzy The age of l5 was a milestone year for me. [...]


The Contest by Hair-Raiser The day had finally arrived. At last John and Tania were [...]

My Wife’s First Short Hairstyle

My Wife's First Short Hairstyle by H. Jhon Kathy looked at her reflection in the [...]


THE FLIGHT By Shearingly Six girls filed in carrying their instrument cases. They were a [...]

Ultimate Long Hair Question

The Ultimate Long Hair Question by PT Cutter I thought I had heard everything, but [...]

Always Thinking “Short Hair”

For years I have thinking about cutting my hair short, but everyone kept telling me [...]

If you want to look like a boy…

The following story contains a forced female haircut and a spanking. It is intended as [...]

Chuck’s Birthday Surprise

Chuck's Birthday Surprise by DP Templar Chuck was back home for his birthday. He knew [...]

Dream Coming True

A Dream Coming True by EddyZ. When I am brushing my long wavy hair this [...]