Tag Archives: Latina


The Budget A friend of mine relayed to me this story and I thought you [...]

Free Tattoo

The Free Tattoo By Jamie This story takes place about three weeks ago last Wednesday. [...]

First Second Best Cut

First, The Second Best Cut - EnjoyCut Angela wanted to surprise her friend. So she [...]


The Contest by Hair-Raiser The day had finally arrived. At last John and Tania were [...]


Sabrina Written by Mistress Janice. Original Storyline by Shearingly. Copyright 1996 A story about sweet [...]

Birthday/Welcome Home Party!

Birthday/Welcome Home Party! I had to take the time to tell you about the experience [...]

My Wife’s First Short Hairstyle

My Wife's First Short Hairstyle by H. Jhon Kathy looked at her reflection in the [...]


THE FLIGHT By Shearingly Six girls filed in carrying their instrument cases. They were a [...]

My Class Reunion

My Class Reunion - Tiara High School was never my cup of tea. Going back [...]

Why Did You Wait So Long?

Why Did You Wait So Long? By James For years, I had always had a [...]