Tag Archives: Shavepage

Story of Tammi

Story of Tammy by Sangreal I was always getting into trouble when I was a [...]

Kelli’s Bet

Kelli's Bet - Kelli21257 & NJDave Kelli knocks on the door wearing her short red [...]

London Tales, Part 1

London Tales - London Hair I started cutting & styling hair about fifteen years ago. [...]

Fetish Unleashed

Fetish Unleashed By barber boy. There once was a girl named Judy. Judy was 16 [...]

Her Personal Hairdresser

Her Personal Hairdresser by Jim B. My girlfriend, Sandy, confided in me she wanted to [...]

Demon Barber

The Demon Barber by Sabrina S Karen and I had longed to be invited to [...]


The Muse by HeadBoy muse n 1: in ancient mythology any of 9 daughters of [...]

Dream Come True

Dream Come True by indiangirl1967@yahoo.com When he was 12 he found out that some sensation [...]

I Did the Wrong Thing

I Did the Wrong Thing - Chi4242 Bob and Linda were married for 15 years. [...]


Vaniqa - DoctorB "AP - NEW YORK Gillette and Company announced today that their new [...]