Tag Archives: Shave


Bowl-ing - CutUps Lucy brushed the thick platinum blonde to her elbows, peeking through the [...]

Drop-in By Rachel

A Drop-In By Rachel - Frank Rizzo LATE AUGUST, 1986 Tom McNamara had just finished [...]

Rapunzel (The way it should have been)

Rapunzel (The Way It Should Have Been) - Da Marsh Dear Readers, When I first [...]


The Torment - David2505 It starts with a postcard. She tucks it away between a [...]

Vacance d’Eté

Vacance D'Eté - the third part of the Easy Money trilogy by English Rose and [...]

Jen Wants to Clip

Jen Wants to Clip by DPTemplar Now, this is a biographical tale; it would be [...]

Midsummer’s Night Dream

Midsummer's Night Dream by Frank Rizzo Late July, 1986 Tom McNamara, at the ripe old [...]

Just Like Her

Just Like Her - CutUps It had been a week since Jill Darnell, third daughter [...]

Grandma’s For the Summer

Grandma's for the summer - Chi4545 Carrie was new in Forest High School. She and [...]

Shining Example

Shining Example by Anthony Knoppa Jerry gave her a quick peck on the cheek and [...]