
Strangely enough, it all started when my wife Anne let her hair grow long. I [...]

Pony Tale

A Pony Tail By Minstrel Sarah and I had been dating for about two years [...]

Angela, Why did you Wait?

I have known Angela most of my life. She was a friend of my older [...]

Vanessa’s turn for the clippers! – New Video

New Video – Vanessa’s turn for the clippers!


Sophistication - Ted Morgan Unexpectedly, you wonder whether she would prevail as herself without her [...]

Curious Meeting

A Curious Meeting by Barber Jos I look around in the small concert hall of [...]

Gift for a Priest

A Gift for a Priest by Jim Belala Chapter I It was thirty years ago [...]

Sarah’s First Haircut

Sarah's First Haircut By Jim B. "Miss Sarah Jean Majories," the Assistant Dean of Students [...]

Honey, Can We Talk?

Honey, Can We Talk? - DoctorB Our relationship had soured over the past several months. [...]

Leslie Gets Rejected!

Leslie gets Rejected! By Lela "Mail call, Leslie Anne," called Leslie's mom as she filtered [...]