Category Archives: Punishment Cuts

My Gift and My Reward

My Gift And My Reward. by EddyZ. "Oh.Jennifer, look. Something for you?" Susan pointed at [...]

Kinky or What

Kinky or What It was bed time and I had just showered. My wife had [...]

Mother and Daughter

Mother And Daughter By Jim B. I was on my way to work when I [...]

House on Hairless Hill

The House on Hairless Hill by Sabrina S. & HeadBoy "Welcome to the house of [...]

World Gone Mad

A World Gone Mad by Sabrina S. & HeadBoy Suspend disbelief for a little while [...]

Emotional Content

The Emotional Content By Jenny There have been a lot of short stories, fiction, and [...]

Linda Gets Caught

Linda Gets Caught Linda is sitting in the corner of the dark room and did [...]

Emelda’s Cut

Emelda's Cut by Closely Cropped I liked nights because it was never busy. You know, [...]

Slave Girl

Slave-Girl by EddyZ. Melissa! Every time I had my statistics class I chose a place [...]

Cinderella – The Real Story

Cinderella - the Real Story The brash sound of the buzzer in her room startled [...]