Tag Archives: Story

Juanita, Maria and Julie Go To Camp

Juanita, Maria and Julie Go To Camp - Vam "You girls are being transferred from [...]

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She stood within darkness so complete it hurt her eyes. She strained to see beyond [...]

Phil’s Narrative

Phil's Narrative It seems that it was about two years ago that I met Jenny. [...]

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch - Steve M. This is a true story, these events occurred over the [...]

My 25-Year-Long Fantasy

My 25-Year-Long Fantasy - Vinni I came home from work to pick you up for [...]


The Pet - DeB. Kelli ran smoothly, her arms and legs pumping rhythmically as she [...]

Inquisitiveness Rewarded?

Inquisitiveness Rewarded? - BarbrGal I remember the day like it was yesterday, but it was [...]


Isolated - Shearingly Years ago, as a young man, I was riding my horse through [...]

Kelli and her Friends

Kelli and Her Friends Part I: Kelli's Makeover College started off different for me last [...]


(Please be aware that I do not wish to offend anyone's religious sensibilities with this [...]