Tag Archives: Shavepage

Day in the Barbershop

South India. The state of Andhra Pradesh. The southern part of this technologically upcoming state. [...]

Pete’s Secret Plan

Pete's Secret Plan - Kate For my boyfriend's 24th birthday, I agreed to be his [...]


Eba by Vam I had just arrived at Matakumbe School, in northern Kenya. I was [...]

Hair Fetishes Discovered

Hair Fetishes Discovered - Hair Color Boy This is a true story about my accounts [...]


The Sleepover - by J We were pubescent girls, embarking upon a world of makeup [...]

Bad Perm

She sat there thinking all day about how to get her hair curly. It just [...]

Rita’s Revenge

RITA'S REVENGE Rita sat at her vanity lovingly running a brush through her long, dark [...]

Super, part 2

The Super (part 2 The Transformation) - DAREUC Veronica was the first one to rise [...]


Captive - M'Lyn She had been left alone in the room for quite some time [...]


The Row By Hair-Raiser Jackie sat blankly staring at the TV. Not taking anything in. [...]