Tag Archives: Latina

Hair Affair

A Hair Affair It was a lovely day in the late spring when I took [...]

First Cut

First Cut It's just one of those awful days. The temperature is about 33ºC, humidity [...]

My First and Last Guest Role

My First and Last Guest Role - Grumpy It was my best friend Tina who [...]


Screwed By Barbera I have always been popular with the guys at my high school [...]

Whose Hair is Costing You Money?

Whose hair is costing you money? - The Weakest Link (pt2) by Cliptomaniac Five years [...]

Through the Beauty Salon Window

Through The Beauty Salon Window I was sitting looking through the door of the beauty [...]

Andrea’s Australian Adventure

The Qantas plane had landed smoothly, and amongst the visitors to the great continent of [...]

Being There

Cartoon Network was on, almost mocking Jen as she sat there, helpless. Hands tied behind [...]

Mirror in the Bathroom

Mirror In The Bathroom by HeadBoy "Mirror in the bathroom please talk free, the door [...]

Fourth Time

THE FOURTH TIME by Michelle mich_gsy@yahoo.co.uk This was the fourth time I had been in [...]