Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi, or Easier Money (The second part of the Easy Money trilogy) by English [...]

Waking Up

Waking Up by David2505 I'm being kissed. I'm pretty sure that I'm being kissed. Is [...]

Every Tool is a Weapon If You Use it Right

Every Tool is a Weapon If You Hold it Right by Lela "Admit it," Hedy [...]

Tressed to Kill

Tressed to Kill - Schylaar "Come on Alleasha, I haven't got all day!" my husband [...]

Birthday Bet

The Birthday Betby DeB My God, it's almost seven, you think to yourself as you [...]

Gotta Get a Life

Gotta Get A Life by HeadBoy You count the cracks on the sidewalk on your [...]


The Father by Kutme She was seventeen and considering very strongly to move out. He [...]

No Beauty Allowed

No Beauty Allowed - Shavrbald The cold of the prison floor felt like ice to [...]

Skinhead Girl

Skinhead Girl - BigJohn I've been living with my girlfriend for the last few years. [...]

Clipper Fairy

This is the sequel to "Master Barber." Copyright 1994 All rights reserved. This story [...]