Category Archives: Sexual/Fantasy


THE DEAL - Clip Er2 At first, Maria wasn't sure. In the dim light of [...]

Nice Trim

A Nice Trim - Axel I'd like to tell you about a beautiful girl and [...]

Love Lock

The Love Lock by Barbera I have always been very proud of my hair. I [...]

Carol’s First Cut

Carol's first cut. My niece is just sixteen - an Aquarius like me, she was [...]

Permanently Bald and Chelsea’s Mother

Permanently Bald and Chelsea's Mother - Jaci Chelsea Wimsatt was a very popular 8th grade [...]

Full Circle

Full Circle by Sabrina S. It's funny how music can be so evocative. It was [...]

Teacher’s Story

Teacher's Story - Bald and Proud Marilyn lives and works in small town Canada. As [...]


Désastre - Louise Bonjour. Cette histoire s'est passer il y a maintenant un an. J'avais [...]

Clippers Speak

The Clippers Speak by Haircape It is dark, too dark. I hate being shoved into [...]

Set In My Ways

Set in My Ways by Sean O'Hare Chapter 1 "HaiRazors," I thought to myself as [...]