Tag Archives: Story

Judge’s Verdict

This is a story involving female haircutting if that doesn't interest you please pass on [...]

I’m With the Band

I'm With The Band by HeadBoy & Sabrina S. The sign hung on the phone [...]

Betty’s Victory

This story is a variation on a magazine article I read some time ago. It [...]

Alphabet Cuts: Ingrid

Ingrid was the first recipient of a chili bowl cut, a precise style that complimented [...]

Hair Today and Gone Tomorrow

The following screenplay is provided for the entertainment of adult connoisseurs of bald female beauty. [...]

Milestone Summer

A Milestone Summer by Suzy The age of l5 was a milestone year for me. [...]

Too Hot for Hair!

Too Hot for Hair! It was only the beginning of the summer and it was [...]

Donna’s Unexpected Haircut

Donna's Unexpected Haircut - Caped Victim Donna Parker walked down the hallway of Sacred Heart [...]

Miss Blair’s School for Modern Young Ladies

Miss Blair's School for Modern Young Ladies by Sabrina S Josephine Blair blessed the day [...]


The Budget A friend of mine relayed to me this story and I thought you [...]