Tag Archives: Latina

Following My Son’s Footsteps

Following My Son's Footsteps By Barbera My son, Joshua, has always had wonderful thick hair [...]

40 Dollars a Head

"Please fasten your seatbelts and place your trays in a upright position, we are preparing [...]


Sylph by Mobmij I don't fly any more. I used to. In fact, I used [...]

Biker Bar

The Biker Bar by DeB The first thing Kelli noticed was the nigh-unbearable stench. Wrinkling [...]

That Bowl

That Bowl Cut - Debbie OK, here is another one of my hair experiences. This [...]


Charlie by Alan. Charlie had been working hard all morning, there had been quite a [...]

Gina’s New Job

Gina's New Job (Adult bondage headshaving story) It wasn't long after Gina became Danny's slave [...]

Phantom Barber

Phantom Barber It was another hot summer night in a typical rural Georgia town. Four [...]

Bedroom Cut

She sat atop me with her breasts shaking back and forth. I watched her throw [...]


I sometimes think I became a hairdresser just because I like finding out about people. [...]