Tag Archives: Shavepage

Bridge to the Past

Bridge to the Past Jim shuffled through the unbound loose pages of his favorite magazine. [...]


The Oil - Greg Mary stood at the door and took a deep breath. "C'mon [...]

Mystery Prize

The Mystery Prize by Sabrina S. and Sean O'Hare Earlier this year we were on [...]

Dollies and Haircuts

Dollies and Haircuts - Crazy Clippers This is about Jamie, who loved to give her [...]

Growing Up

If you like this, or intend to post it, Email me @ HTF130@yahoo.com Growing Up [...]

Hildi’s Cut

Hildi had just gotten home from school, and had gone up to her room to [...]

Last Saturday Night

Last Saturday Night It was late last Saturday night and Karen and I had been [...]

She’s Gone Too Far

She's Gone Too Far by Buzz My daughter was always a little bit rebellious, but [...]


Twins by Cruzzer One hot summer day, Melissa and Melinda, a pair of nine-year-old twin [...]

1,2,3, Loplocks

"No I'm telling you Laurie, there was like 20 different letters or whatever you call [...]