Tag Archives: German

Skinhead Girl

Skinhead Girl - BigJohn I've been living with my girlfriend for the last few years. [...]

Clipper Fairy

This is the sequel to "Master Barber." Copyright 1994 Cliper2@aol.com. All rights reserved. This story [...]


The Captain Fort Rucker, Alabama, in the late summer, is normally an uncomfortable area for [...]

Glass Ceiling

The Glass Ceiling by Baldyphil. I'm shaking so hard I can't even hold a cup [...]

Ruth Ugamms – Confessions of a Female Prison Barber

Ruth Ugamms: Confessions of a Female Prison Barber by Shavherbald Let me start by describing [...]


This is a story which includes female haircutting, headshaving and spanking. If that doesn't interest [...]

Louise Returns

Louise Returns by Sean O'Hare It had been 4 weeks since Dad took me to [...]

Cindy’s Wedding Part 3

Cindy's Wedding - Part 3 by NovoWriter The parting clouds caused the early morning sun [...]

Buzzzzing Beauty

Buzzzzing Beauty by Jhbablon 3/28/1996 There was a celebration in the kingdom today. There was [...]

To be a Member

To be a member By Jim Belala Carrie has been out of college for three [...]