Category Archives: Bets & Dares

Sandy and I

Sandy and I I married my wife Sandy twelve years ago. We were both in [...]

Jodi’s Birthday Shave

Jodi's Birthday Shave by DPTemplar Jodi looked stunning that day. Her lovely face, her well-built [...]

Nuisance No Longer

A Nuisance No Longer by Shornlocks "Heather! Jessie! My Daddy's joining the army! My Daddy's [...]

There Are Rewards

There are Rewards - BarbrGal The six months passed slowly. Thankfully since I worked in [...]

Before the Shop Closes

Carrie raced down the bike path on her beach cruiser rental. Her thick, golden hair [...]

For Susanna

For Susanna - Ex Dutch My boyfriend was getting everything ready. In a bet, he [...]

Leslie Joins the Sorority

Leslie Joins the Sorority - Tigger Leslie wanted to be in the Alpha sorority more [...]

Cindy’s Wedding Part 3

Cindy's Wedding - Part 3 by NovoWriter The parting clouds caused the early morning sun [...]


The Nit-Nurse - Chris Hall There was a knock on the classroom door. Without waiting [...]


Erotica - Amanda I suppose it has been about three years now that my boyfriend [...]