Tag Archives: Shavepage

Cindy’s Wedding Part 4

Cindy's Wedding - Part 4 by the NovoWriter (novowriter@aol.com) Suzy and the other bridesmaids were [...]

One Flattop Coming Right Up

One Flattop Coming Right Up by Tim National Level Dance competitions are tough. Few are [...]

Pillow of Love

This story not to be reproduced in any fashion without written consent from the author. [...]

Reality Meets Fantasy

Reality Meets Fantasy by: Cruzzer The warmth of my smooth scalp feels so erotic. The [...]

Prunus Tree Café

The Prunus Tree Café by Sabrina S. and Sean O'Hare "Look, it says barber us!" [...]


The Prisoner "John! Why are you calling me? I thought I made myself quite clear [...]

Journey Begun

A Journey Begun by SHU217 For Bill it seemed that things had always been one [...]

Melissa’s New Cut

Melissa's New Cut - Buzz Melissa, a 23 year old female, with long brown hair, [...]

Bang On or Gone

"Damn, it's raining again," I thought to myself as I looked out the bathroom window. [...]

Kool Girls

Kool Girls - CrewCut At my school there were the Kool Girls who smoked, drank [...]