Tag Archives: Shavepage

London Tales V

London Tales 5 - LondonHair Soho was fast becoming the gay capital of England, with [...]

Go Team!

GO TEAM! by Shornlocks For two years in a row, the Mount Pleasant High School [...]

Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen by Shornlocks Patti knew that she and her mother were in dire straits. [...]

Cut for Camping

Any comments please to: crawley_jonathan@hotmail.com Cut for Camping by Jemma Although I can now look [...]

April Fool’s Day Shave

It was my annual April fool's day prank on my lovely blonde wife, Barbie. But [...]

My Wife’s Fantasy

My Wife's Fantasy.............. My wife has always had a fantasy, and that is what I'll [...]

Erotic Encountern

An Erotic Encounter by Geneva Steve and I are now married. The wedding and the [...]

Once Upon a Lurker

Once Upon a Lurker by BuzMeTendr Often times the hour was late, or should I [...]

Anniversary Cut

This story is dedicated to Stormi whose inspiration and comments and thoughts in the chat [...]


Nancy Nancy had just been hired by the morning cable show that had been on [...]